§ 368-d. Reimbursement to public school districts and state operated/state supported schools which operate pursuant to article eighty-five, eighty-seven or eighty-eight of the education law.

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Terms Used In N.Y. Social Services Law 368-D

  • Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.
  • Fiscal year: The fiscal year is the accounting period for the government. For the federal government, this begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, fiscal year 2006 begins on October 1, 2005 and ends on September 30, 2006.

1. The department of health shall review claims for expenditures made by or on behalf of local public school districts, and state operated/state supported schools which operate pursuant to article eighty-five, eighty-seven or eighty-eight of the education law, for medical care, services and supplies which are furnished to children with handicapping conditions or such children suspected of having handicapping conditions, as such children are defined in the education law. If approved by the department, payment for such medical care, services and supplies which would otherwise qualify for reimbursement under this title and which are furnished in accordance with this title and the regulations of the department to such children, shall be made in accordance with the department's approved medical assistance fee schedules by payment to such local public school district, and state operated/state supported schools which operate pursuant to article eighty-five, eighty-seven or eighty-eight of the education law, which furnished the care, services or supplies either directly or by contract.

2. Claims for payment under this section shall be made in such form and manner, at such times, and for such periods as the department may require.

3. The provisions of this section shall be of no force and effect unless all necessary approvals under federal law and regulation have been obtained to receive federal financial participation in the costs of health care services provided pursuant to this section.

4. The commissioner of health is authorized to contract with one or more entities to conduct a study to determine actual direct and indirect costs incurred by public school districts and state operated/state supported schools which operate pursuant to article eighty-five, eighty-seven or eighty-eight of the education law for medical care, services and supplies, including related special education services and special transportation, furnished to children with handicapping conditions.

5. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of sections one hundred twelve and one hundred sixty-three of the state finance law, or § 142 of the economic development law, or any other law, the commissioner of health is authorized to enter into a contract or contracts under subdivision four of this section without a competitive bid or request for proposal process, provided, however, that:

(a) The department of health shall post on its website, for a period of no less than thirty days:

(i) A description of the proposed services to be provided pursuant to the contract or contracts;

(ii) The criteria for selection of a contractor or contractors;

(iii) The period of time during which a prospective contractor may seek selection, which shall be no less than thirty days after such information is first posted on the website; and

(iv) The manner by which a prospective contractor may seek such selection, which may include submission by electronic means;

(b) All reasonable and responsive submissions that are received from prospective contractors in timely fashion shall be reviewed by the commissioner of health; and

(c) The commissioner of health shall select such contractor or contractors that, in his or her discretion, are best suited to serve the purposes of this section.

(d) Upon selection of a contractor or contractors, the department of health shall provide written notification of such selection and a summary of the criteria employed in such selection to the chair of the senate finance committee and the chair of the assembly ways and means committee.

6. The commissioner shall evaluate the results of the study conducted pursuant to subdivision four of this section to determine, after identification of actual direct and indirect costs incurred by public school districts, whether it is advisable to claim federal reimbursement for expenditures under this section as certified public expenditures. In the event such claims are submitted, if federal reimbursement received for certified public expenditures on behalf of medical assistance recipients whose assistance and care are the responsibility of a social services district results in a decrease in the state share of annual expenditures pursuant to this section for such recipients, then to the extent that the amount of any such decrease when combined with any decrease in the state share of annual expenditures described in subdivision five of section three hundred sixty-eight-e of this title exceeds one hundred fifty million dollars for the period April 1, 2011 through March 31, 2013, or exceeds one hundred million dollars in state fiscal years 2013-14 and 2014-15, the excess amount shall be transferred to such public school districts in amounts proportional to their percentage contribution to the statewide savings; an amount equal to thirteen and five hundredths percent of any decrease in the state share of annual expenditures pursuant to this section for such recipients in state fiscal year 2015-16 and any fiscal year thereafter shall be transferred to such public school districts in amounts proportional to their percentage contribution to the statewide savings. Any amount transferred pursuant to this section shall not be considered a revenue received by such social services district in determining the district's actual medical assistance expenditures for purposes of paragraph (b) of section one of part C of chapter fifty-eight of the laws of two thousand five.