Oregon Statutes 410.720 – Mental health and addiction services for senior citizens and persons with disabilities
It is the policy of this state to provide mental health and addiction services for all Oregon senior citizens and persons with disabilities through a comprehensive and coordinated statewide network of local mental health services and alcohol and drug abuse education and treatment. These services should involve family and friends and be provided in the least restrictive and most appropriate settings.
(2) The Department of Human Services and the Oregon Health Authority shall facilitate the formation of local community partnerships between the senior, disability, mental health, alcohol and drug abuse and health care communities by supporting the development of program approaches that meet minimum standards adopted by the Oregon Health Authority under ORS § 430.357 including, but not limited to:
(a) Mental health and addiction screenings and assessments in long term care settings;
(b) Outreach services to seniors and persons with disabilities in their homes, including gatekeeper programs, neighborhood programs and programs designed for rural communities;
(c) Multilingual and multicultural medical and psychiatric services for ethnic minorities with physical disabilities and hearing impairments;
(d) Education and training for health care consumers, health care professionals and mental health and addiction services providers on mental health and addiction issues, programs and services for seniors and persons with disabilities; and
(e) Education and consultation services for primary care physicians and naturopathic physicians treating seniors and persons with disabilities.
(3) In carrying out the provisions of subsections (1) and (2) of this section, the department and the authority shall:
(a) Develop plans for service coordination within the department and the authority;
(b) Recommend budget provisions for the delivery of needed services offered by the department and the authority; and
(c) Develop plans for expanding mental health and addiction services for seniors and persons with disabilities to meet the increasing demand. [1991 c.775 § 2; 2001 c.104 § 143; 2001 c.900 § 85; 2005 c.691 § 6; 2011 c.673 § 12; 2011 c.720 § 89; 2017 c.356 § 32]