(1) The Department of Human Services shall adopt rules establishing the Oregon Foster Children’s Bill of Rights, specifying the rights of foster children consistent with the provisions of ORS § 418.201.

(2) The department shall periodically review the rules establishing the Oregon Foster Children’s Bill of Rights to ensure that the bill of rights complies with the principles and requirements set forth in ORS § 418.201. The department shall promote the participation of current and former foster children in the development of the rules constituting the Oregon Foster Children’s Bill of Rights and the development of state foster care and child welfare policy. [2013 c.515 § 3]


See note under 418.200.


(Temporary provisions relating to provision of luggage carriers to foster children)


Sections 1 to 3, chapter 210, Oregon Laws 2023, provide:

(1) The Department of Human Services shall procure, distribute and maintain an inventory of appropriate luggage carriers for child welfare case workers to use when transporting the personal effects of a foster child, including when the foster child is entering into or transitioning or exiting from foster care.

(2) The department shall submit a report in the manner provided by ORS § 192.245, and may include recommendations for legislation, to the interim committees of the Legislative Assembly related to human services no later than September 15 of each year. The report must describe the number of instances in the preceding reporting period that trash bags were used to transport a foster child’s personal effects, the reasons for using the trash bags, the department’s supply of appropriate luggage carriers and its supply inventory management practices. [2023 c.210 § 1]

The report described in section 1 (2) of this 2023 Act is first due September 15, 2024. [2023 c.210 § 2]

Section 1 of this 2023 Act is repealed on January 2, 2029. [2023 c.210 § 3]


(Speech protections)