Oregon Statutes 468A.240 – Recommendations; public comment
(1) In furtherance of the greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals established by ORS § 468A.205, the Oregon Climate Action Commission may recommend statutory and administrative changes, policy measures and other recommendations to be carried out by state and local governments, businesses, nonprofit organizations or residents. In developing its recommendations, the commission shall consider economic, environmental, health and social costs, and the risks and benefits of alternative strategies, including least-cost options. The commission shall solicit and consider public comment relating to statutory, administrative or policy recommendations.
(2) The commission shall examine possible funding mechanisms to obtain low-cost greenhouse gas emissions reductions and energy efficiency enhancements, including but not limited to those in the natural gas industry. [2007 c.907 § 10; 2023 c.442 § 45]
See note under 468A.200.