Oregon Statutes 498.831 – Oregon Hatchery Research Center; activities
(1) The hatchery research center located on Fall Creek, near Alsea, is named the Oregon Hatchery Research Center.
(2) Pursuant to the strategic directions and operation objectives established by the Oregon Hatchery Research Center Board under ORS § 498.827, the center shall carry out the following activities:
(a) Conduct research that assists in the implementation and advancement of native fish population recovery as well as viable fisheries.
(b) Conduct research on methods to minimize the genetic and ecological risks to naturally produced native fish when hatchery produced fish are released in the waters of this state for population recovery or consumptive fishery objectives.
(c) Conduct research to determine the genetic and ecological risk to naturally produced native fish when wild native broodstock hatchery produced native fish are released into the waters of this state.
(d) Conduct research to determine the effect of hatchery operations on naturally produced native fish and the habitat of naturally produced native fish.
(e) Provide educational and research opportunities for undergraduate students, graduate students and post-graduate students.
(f) Provide educational opportunities for the public and for students in grades 1 through 12.
(g) Consider any recommendations made by the Oregon Hatchery Research Center Board pursuant to ORS § 498.827.
(3) The Director of the Oregon Hatchery Research Center shall post information about the research specified in subsection (2) of this section on the center’s website for public access.
(4) As used in this section, ‘waters of this state’ has the meaning given that term in ORS § 196.800. [2013 c.664 § 5]
See note under 498.825.