Oregon Statutes 92.185 – Reconfiguration of lots or parcels and public easements; vacation; notice; utility easements
The act of replatting shall allow the reconfiguration of lots or parcels and public easements within a recorded plat. Except as provided in subsection (5) of this section, upon approval by the reviewing agency or body as defined in ORS § 92.180, replats will act to vacate the platted lots or parcels and easements within the replat area with the following conditions:
Terms Used In Oregon Statutes 92.185
- City: includes any incorporated village or town. See Oregon Statutes 174.100
(1) A replat, as defined in ORS § 92.010 shall apply only to a recorded plat.
(2) Notice shall be provided as described in ORS § 92.225 (4) when the replat is replatting all of an undeveloped subdivision as defined in ORS § 92.225.
(3) Notice, consistent with the governing body of a city or county approval of a tentative plan of a subdivision plat, shall be provided by the governing body to the owners of property adjacent to the exterior boundaries of the tentative subdivision replat.
(4) When a utility easement is proposed to be realigned, reduced in width or omitted by a replat, all affected utility companies or public agencies shall be notified, consistent with a governing body’s notice to owners of property contiguous to the proposed plat. Any utility company that desires to maintain an easement subject to vacation under this section must notify the governing body in writing within 14 days of the mailing or other service of the notice.
(5) A replat shall not serve to vacate any public street or road.
(6) A replat shall comply with all subdivision provisions of this chapter and all applicable ordinances and regulations adopted under this chapter. [1985 c.369 § 3; 1991 c.763 § 19; 1993 c.702 § 9]