Forms of disciplinary action. When the director finds that an unlicensed health care practitioner has violated any provision of this chapter, the director may take one or more of the following actions, only against the individual practitioner:

(1)  Revoke the right to practice;

(2)  Suspend the right to practice;

(3)  Impose limitations or conditions on the practitioner’s provision of unlicensed health care practices, impose rehabilitation requirements, or require practice under supervision;

(4)  Assess against the practitioner the administrative costs of the proceedings instituted against him or her under this chapter; provided, that this assessment does not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000);

(5)  Censure or reprimand the practitioner;

(6)  Any other action justified by the case.

History of Section.
P.L. 2002, ch. 133, § 1.