Rhode Island General Laws 5-3.1-2. Policy and purpose
It is the policy of this state and the purpose of this chapter:
(1) To promote the dependability of information that is used for guidance in financial transactions or for accounting for or assessing the financial status or performance of commercial, noncommercial, and governmental enterprises;
(2) To protect the public interest by requiring that persons professing special competence in accountancy or offering assurance as to the reliability or fairness of presentation of that information demonstrate their qualification to do so, and that persons who have not demonstrated and maintained those qualifications, including, but not limited to, certificate holders not in public practice, not be permitted to hold themselves out as having that special competence or to offer that assurance;
(3) To regulate the professional conduct of persons licensed as having special competence in accountancy, in all aspects of the practice of public accountancy;
(4) To establish a public authority competent to prescribe and assess the qualifications of and to regulate the professional conduct of practitioners of public accountancy; and
(5) To prohibit the use of titles relating to the practice of public accountancy that are likely to mislead the public as to the status or competence of the persons using those titles.
History of Section.
P.L. 1995, ch. 159, § 2.
Terms Used In Rhode Island General Laws 5-3.1-2
- Authority: means an authority to practice as a public accountant in this state granted by the public accountants advisory commission under former § 5-3-6 (P. See Rhode Island General Laws 5-3.1-3
- Certificate: means a certificate as certified public accountant issued under this chapter or corresponding provisions of prior law, or a corresponding certificate as certified public accountant issued after examination under the law of any other state. See Rhode Island General Laws 5-3.1-3
- State: means the states of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U. See Rhode Island General Laws 5-3.1-3