South Carolina Code 11-13-110. State departments, boards, and employees prohibited from depositing monies in banks or other financial institutions; exceptions for revolving funds and revenues not required to be remitted
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No state officer or employee, on behalf of any state department, board, bureau, commission or other state agency, shall deposit with any bank, trust company, institution, building and loan association or individual any funds belonging to the State whether the same be represented by checks, drafts, bills, currencies or other forms of exchange. But in the discretion of the State Treasurer each department or institution may carry with some bank or banking company an account in the name of such department or institution, as a revolving fund, from which the State Treasurer shall be reimbursed for bad checks. The amount of and necessity for such revolving funds shall be determined by the State Treasurer. The provisions of this section shall not apply to fees or other revenues collected by any state institution which are not required by law to be remitted to the State Treasurer.