(A) The following described portion of Georgetown County is transferred and annexed to Horry County:

"All that certain piece, parcel, or tract of land consisting of 210.32 acres or 0.3286 square miles described as commencing at a point in the center of the Waccamaw River, being that point defined in Sections 4-3-270, 4-3-310, and 4-3-311, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, as amended, at Latitude 33? 34′ 22.623" N, Longitude 79? 06′ 03.848" W (North American Datum 1983), this being the same point positioned at Latitude N 33? 34′ 22.6126", Longitude W 79? 06′ 03.8429" (North American Datum 1983/2011) on the below referenced plat, and thence running along the Statutory Boundary for Georgetown and Horry counties N 89? 06′ 55" E for a distance of 4,165.38 feet to a calculated point labeled ‘B’, this being the Point of Beginning: From the Point of Beginning, a point labeled ‘B’ and thence running along a line through points labeled ‘B’ through ‘AR’ on the Proposed Boundary Line for Georgetown and Horry counties, ‘AR’ being on the Statutory Boundary of Georgetown and Horry counties thence turning and running S 89? 06′ 55" W for a distance of 23,067.40 feet along the Statutory Boundary of Georgetown and Horry counties to the calculated point labeled ‘B’, the Point of Beginning. Reference is made to this plat for a more complete and accurate description of the metes, bounds, and location of this property."

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(B) This tract measures and contains 210.32 acres of land or 0.3286 square miles, more or less, and is clearly shown on a "Plat of a Portion of Georgetown County Proposed to be Annexed to Horry County", by South Carolina Geodetic Survey, AECOM, and Glenn Associates Surveying, Inc., dated January 9, 2019, and signed and sealed by David K. Ballard PLS#26946, Jason M. Forsberg PLS#28135, and Michael R. Mills PLS#11606 on January 17, 2019, and recorded with the Horry County Registrar of Deeds in Plat Book 287, Page 153.

(C) The proper proportion of the existing Georgetown County indebtedness of the area transferred is assumed by Horry County.