The Education Oversight Committee shall survey parents to determine if state and local efforts are effective in increasing parental involvement. This information shall be used in the public awareness campaign required by the Education Accountability Act to promote the importance of parental involvement. The campaign shall include:

(1) advice for parents on how to help their children be successful in school and the importance of nurturing their children’s skills and abilities;

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Terms Used In South Carolina Code 59-28-190

  • Oversight: Committee review of the activities of a Federal agency or program.

(2) requests to employers, state agencies, entities, community groups, nonprofit organizations, and faith communities that work with children and families to distribute and display parent advice and other pertinent parent information;

(3) promotion of the benefits of increased productivity, loyalty, and sense of community which result from parent-friendly workplace policies;

(4) ideas and encouragement to employers to adopt parent-friendly workplace policies and to provide information on the importance of parents to a child’s academic success;

(5) recognition of businesses and employers where parent-friendly policies have been adopted; and

(6) recognition of agencies and faith communities that have supported and increased parental involvement.