South Carolina Code 59-48-70. Endowment fund; organization and operation
(B) The endowment fund must be organized on a nonprofit basis as a separate legal entity recognized under and in compliance with the laws of this State.
(C)(1) In consultation with the Executive Director of the Development Office, the endowment fund must adopt an annual operations and capital budget. Prior to adopting the annual budget, the head of the endowment fund must meet with the Executive Director of the Development Office and the head of the school to review the endowment fund’s proposed budget, and prior to any subsequent proposed material changes to the budget. The endowment fund budget and its fundraising goals must exclusively be based on the operation and capital goals of the school as provided to the foundation by the Executive Director of the Development Office and the head of the school.
(2) The endowment fund shall not accept any donations that are restricted in their use unless the proposed restriction is approved by the board prior to its acceptance and unless the funds are being used for a purpose that is needed by the school.
(D) Prior to taking any action, including fundraising, on behalf of the school, the board and the endowment fund must enter into a written agreement detailing the corresponding rights, duties, and responsibilities of the endowment fund.