§ 44-31-310 County authorities shall provide separate cells, rooms, or places for tuberculous prisoners
§ 44-31-320 Examination of prisoners or inmates by physician
§ 44-31-330 Examination within five days after commitment
§ 44-31-340 Penal and charitable institutions shall provide separate places for tuberculous prisoners and inmates
§ 44-31-350 Association of prisoners on public works not prohibited
§ 44-31-360 Penalty

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Terms Used In South Carolina Code > Title 44 > Chapter 31 > Article 5 - Tuberculosis Prisoners and Inmates of Institutions

  • Certified prescribed fire manager: means an individual who successfully completes a certification program approved by the State Commission of Forestry. See South Carolina Code 48-34-20
  • Conviction: A judgement of guilt against a criminal defendant.
  • Prescribed fire: means a controlled fire applied to forest, brush, or grassland vegetative fuels under specified environmental conditions and precautions which cause the fire to be confined to a predetermined area and allow accomplishment of the planned land management objectives. See South Carolina Code 48-34-20