(a) It is an offense for any personnel, including elected and appointed officials, of this state, a local governmental entity, or a political subdivision of this state, when acting in the person‘s official capacity or disclosing information obtained in the person’s official capacity, to intentionally disclose information that identifies another person as the purchaser or owner of a firearm, firearm ammunition, or firearm accessory for the purpose of:

Attorney's Note

Under the Tennessee Code, punishments for crimes depend on the classification. In the case of this section:
class E felony1 to 6 yearsup to $3,000
For details, see Tenn. Code § 40-35-111

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Terms Used In Tennessee Code 39-17-1327

  • Government: means the state or any political subdivision of the state, and includes any branch or agency of the state, a county, municipality or other political subdivision. See Tennessee Code 39-11-106
  • Owner: means a person, other than the defendant, who has possession of or any interest other than a mortgage, deed of trust or security interest in property, even though that possession or interest is unlawful and without whose consent the defendant has no authority to exert control over the property. See Tennessee Code 39-11-106
  • Person: includes the singular and the plural and means and includes any individual, firm, partnership, copartnership, association, corporation, governmental subdivision or agency, or other organization or other legal entity, or any agent or servant thereof. See Tennessee Code 39-11-106
  • State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes the District of Columbia and the several territories of the United States. See Tennessee Code 1-3-105
(1) Compiling or facilitating the compilation of a federal firearms registry or database; or
(2) The confiscation of firearms.
(b) This section does not apply to information that is provided to a government entity pursuant to § 38-8-116, § 38-8-123, § 39-17-1315, § 39-17-1316, § 39-17-1351, § 39-17-1365, or § 39-17-1366, or as part of a criminal investigation.
(c) A violation of this section is a Class E felony.