2018 Texas Government Code 552.261 – Charge for Providing Copies of Public Information
(a) The charge for providing a copy of public information shall be an amount that reasonably includes all costs related to reproducing the public information, including costs of materials, labor, and overhead. If a request is for 50 or fewer pages of paper records, the charge for providing the copy of the public information may not include costs of materials, labor, or overhead, but shall be limited to the charge for each page of the paper record that is photocopied, unless the pages to be photocopied are located in:
(1) two or more separate buildings that are not physically connected with each other; or
(2) a remote storage facility.
(b) If the charge for providing a copy of public information includes costs of labor, the requestor may require the governmental body’s officer for public information or the officer’s agent to provide the requestor with a written statement as to the amount of time that was required to produce and provide the copy. The statement must be signed by the officer for public information or the officer’s agent and the officer’s or the agent’s name must be typed or legibly printed below the signature. A charge may not be imposed for providing the written statement to the requestor.
(c) For purposes of Subsection (a), a connection of two buildings by a covered or open sidewalk, an elevated or underground passageway, or a similar facility is insufficient to cause the buildings to be considered separate buildings.
(d) Charges for providing a copy of public information are considered to accrue at the time the governmental body advises the requestor that the copy is available on payment of the applicable charges.
(e) Except as otherwise provided by this subsection, all requests received in one calendar day from an individual may be treated as a single request for purposes of calculating costs under this chapter. A governmental body may not combine multiple requests under this subsection from separate individuals who submit requests on behalf of an organization.