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Terms Used In Michigan Laws 256.657

  • Behind-the-wheel instruction: means instruction to which either of the following applies:
    (i) A student is in control of a motor vehicle on a public street or highway in real and varied traffic situations and a driver education instructor is the only other occupant in the front passenger seating area with the student. See Michigan Laws 256.623
  • Classroom instruction: means that part of a driver education course that occurs in a classroom environment that enables a student to learn through varied instructional methods, under the direct guidance of a driver education instructor. See Michigan Laws 256.623
  • Curriculum: means a written plan that guides the instruction given in a driver education course and includes performance objectives, a content outline, detailed learning activities, and assessment tools. See Michigan Laws 256.623
  • Driver education course: means a program of study offered by a certified driver education provider, that enables a student to acquire the basic knowledge, skill, and attitude necessary to operate a motor vehicle upon a highway transportation system. See Michigan Laws 256.623
  • Multiple vehicle driving facility: means that part of a driver education course that enables the driver education instructor, from a position outside the vehicle, and using electronic or oral communication, to teach and supervise several students simultaneously, each of whom is operating a vehicle at an off-street facility specifically designed for that type of instruction. See Michigan Laws 256.625
  • provider: means a person that meets the requirements in subparagraph (i), if not excluded under subparagraph (ii), as follows:
  •     (i) Maintains or obtains the facilities and certified instructors to give instruction in the driving of a motor vehicle or maintains or obtains the facilities and certified instructors to prepare an applicant for an exam given by the secretary of state for a license as defined in section 25 of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257. See Michigan Laws 256.625
  • Simulator device training: means that part of a driver education course where a driver education instructor uses interactive simulator units and programs to reproduce driving situations likely to occur in actual driving on a street and the student is required to evaluate risk, make decisions, and respond to the situations presented. See Michigan Laws 256.627
  • state: when applied to the different parts of the United States, shall be construed to extend to and include the District of Columbia and the several territories belonging to the United States; and the words "United States" shall be construed to include the district and territories. See Michigan Laws 8.3o
  • Teen driver training: means driver training instruction provided through a segment 1 or segment 2 driver education course that allows an individual 17 years of age or less to apply for a level 1 or level 2 graduated driver license. See Michigan Laws 256.627
  •     (1) A segment 1 curriculum shall include both classroom and behind-the-wheel driver education course experience. The classroom instruction and behind-the-wheel instruction shall be integrated, relate to each other, and meet the following requirements:
        (a) Each student shall receive not less than 24 hours of classroom instruction. Classroom instruction shall be scheduled to occur as follows:
        (i) Classroom instruction shall occur not more than 2 hours per day.
        (ii) Classroom instruction shall occur over the course of 3 or more weeks.
        (iii) Classroom instruction of 4 or more hours shall be received before the student begins to receive behind-the-wheel instruction.
        (iv) Classroom instruction shall include not less than 1 hour of information concerning the laws pertaining to bicycles, motorcycles, and other vulnerable roadway users, including pedestrians, and shall emphasize awareness of their operation on the streets, roads, and highways of this state. The laws of this state pertaining to awareness of bicycles, motorcycles, and other vulnerable roadway users, including pedestrians, shall also be incorporated into other subject areas of the curriculum where appropriate. The requirements of this subparagraph apply to both the model curriculum and an approved curriculum described in section 35. The information required by this subparagraph may be incorporated into the segment 1 curriculum or the segment 2 classroom course described in section 39(b).
        (v) Classroom instruction shall include information concerning the proper actions to be taken by a driver during a traffic stop.
        (vi) Behind-the-wheel instruction of 3 or more hours shall be completed before classroom instruction terminates.
        (b) Each student shall receive not less than 6 hours of behind-the-wheel instruction or substitute hours permitted under this subsection. Behind-the-wheel instruction shall be scheduled to occur as follows:
        (i) A student shall receive not more than 1 hour of behind-the-wheel instruction per day.
        (ii) Not more than 1 student shall occupy the front seat of the vehicle with the instructor.
        (iii) A driver education motor vehicle shall contain not more than 4 students during behind-the-wheel instruction.
        (iv) Not later than 3 weeks after the last classroom instruction has been completed, a student shall complete any remaining required behind-the-wheel instruction.
        (v) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a student may receive instruction while operating a motor vehicle at a multiple vehicle driving facility. One hour of instruction received at a multiple vehicle driving facility may substitute as credit for 1 hour of behind-the-wheel experience. A maximum of 2 hours of behind-the-wheel experience can be substituted with instruction received at a multiple vehicle driving facility.
        (c) A student shall receive 4 or more hours of behind-the-wheel observation time.
        (2) A driver education provider classified for teen driver training shall not substitute behind-the-wheel instruction with multiple vehicle driving facility experience until the secretary of state gives the provider written approval for that substitution as provided in this act.
        (3) A driver education provider classified for teen driver training shall not substitute behind-the-wheel driving experience with simulator device training.
        (4) As used in this section:
        (a) “Integrated” means classroom and behind-the-wheel instruction scheduled to include a mix of classroom and behind-the-wheel instruction throughout the duration of the driver education course, except as otherwise provided in this section.
        (b) “Observation time” means the time a student in a driver education course sits in the rear seat of a vehicle and observes another student in the front seat behind the wheel operating the controls of the vehicle, responding to driving situations, and with an instructor sitting in the front seat.
        (5) This section shall be known and may be cited as the “Nathan Bower act”.