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Terms Used In Michigan Laws 256.679

  • Arrest: Taking physical custody of a person by lawful authority.
  • Conviction: A judgement of guilt against a criminal defendant.
  • Conviction: means a conviction for a crime or attempted crime whether under a law of this state, a local ordinance substantially corresponding to a law of this state, or a law of another state substantially corresponding to a law of this state. See Michigan Laws 256.623
  • Designated representative or coordinator: means the individual that a driver education provider employs, enlists, or appoints, or contracts with to supervise, manage, and administer the day-to-day responsibilities of the provider's driver education school operation. See Michigan Laws 256.623
  • Driver education instructor: means a person who the secretary of state certifies has met the instructor qualifications of this act to instruct a student in a driver education course. See Michigan Laws 256.623
  • Driver education provider certificate: means a written or electronic authorization issued by the secretary of state to indicate that a person has met the driver education provider qualifications of this act. See Michigan Laws 256.625
  • Fraud: Intentional deception resulting in injury to another.
  • Freedom of Information Act: A federal law that mandates that all the records created and kept by federal agencies in the executive branch of government must be open for public inspection and copying. The only exceptions are those records that fall into one of nine exempted categories listed in the statute. Source: OCC
  • Person: means an individual, partnership, corporation, association, limited liability company, educational institution, governmental agency or other legal or commercial entity, and their legal successors. See Michigan Laws 256.627
  • provider: means a person that meets the requirements in subparagraph (i), if not excluded under subparagraph (ii), as follows:
    (i) Maintains or obtains the facilities and certified instructors to give instruction in the driving of a motor vehicle or maintains or obtains the facilities and certified instructors to prepare an applicant for an exam given by the secretary of state for a license as defined in section 25 of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257. See Michigan Laws 256.625
  • Revocation: means the termination of a driver education provider's certification or a driver education instructor's certification. See Michigan Laws 256.627
  • state: when applied to the different parts of the United States, shall be construed to extend to and include the District of Columbia and the several territories belonging to the United States; and the words "United States" shall be construed to include the district and territories. See Michigan Laws 8.3o
  •     (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the secretary of state shall automatically deny an original or renewal application for a driver education provider or instructor certificate and shall automatically immediately revoke a certificate issued to a person as a driver education provider or driver education instructor without the necessity for notice and an opportunity for a hearing if a criminal history record information check indicates that the applicant, instructor, provider, or the designated representative or coordinator of the applicant or provider has been convicted of a violation or attempted violation, or the secretary of state receives reliable notice under this section or section 57 of a conviction for a violation or attempted violation, of any of the following:
        (a) Criminal sexual conduct, assault with intent to commit criminal sexual conduct, or an attempt to commit criminal sexual conduct, in any degree under section 520b to 520g of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL 750.520b to 750.520g.
        (b) A felony involving a criminal assault or battery on an individual.
        (c) A crime involving felonious assault on a child, child abuse in the first degree, cruelty, torture, or indecent exposure involving a child.
        (d) A felony involving the manufacture, distribution, or dispensing of a controlled substance or possession with intent to manufacture, distribute, or dispense a controlled substance.
        (e) A felony conviction involving fraud as an element of the crime.
        (2) A denial or revocation imposed under this section shall continue for not less than 10 years from the date of the conviction.
        (3) In collaboration with the department of state police, the department of technology, management, and budget shall establish an automated fingerprint identification system database that allows the department of state police to store and maintain all fingerprints submitted under this act and that provides for automatic notification at the time a subsequent criminal arrest fingerprint card submitted into the system matches a set of fingerprints previously submitted in accordance with this act. Upon that notification, the department of state police shall immediately notify the department and the department shall review the information in accordance with the criminal history record information criteria for an instructor under this act. Information in the database established under this subsection is confidential, is not subject to disclosure under the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246, and shall not be disclosed to any person except for purposes of this act or for law enforcement purposes.
        (4) When the secretary of state receives reliable notice of a conviction for a violation or attempted violation under this section or section 57 by an applicant’s or provider’s designated representative or coordinator, the secretary of state shall automatically deny an original or renewal application for a driver education provider certificate or automatically immediately revoke a provider’s certificate under this section if the applicant or provider fails to immediately terminate the designated representative’s or coordinator’s designation or employment as the provider’s designated representative or coordinator.