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     Whenever in the opinion of the governor the provisions of this act shall be unfair to either employees or employers, he may appoint a commission to investigate thoroughly the workings of the act and report thereon to the governor. The report shall be submitted by him to the legislature at its first regular or special session held after the receipt of the report. The report, in addition to the recommendations thereof, shall contain the text of needed changes or amendments to place this act upon a perfectly fair basis. The members of the commission shall have power to summon witnesses, administer oaths and compel the production of books and papers. They shall each receive compensation at the rate of $10.00 per day, together with actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of official duties, such compensation and expenses to be audited and allowed by the department of administration and paid out of the general fund. Such compensation and expenses shall not exceed the sum of $3,000.00.