(1) Except as provided under section 608(4) or (5), a filing of information and materials relative to a proposed rate shall be made not less than 120 days before the proposed effective date of the proposed rate. A filing shall not be considered to have been received until there has been substantial and material compliance with the requirements prescribed in subsections (6) and (8).
    (2) Within 30 days after a filing is made of information and materials relative to a proposed rate, the commissioner shall do either of the following:

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Terms Used In Michigan Laws 550.1610

  • Corporation: A legal entity owned by the holders of shares of stock that have been issued, and that can own, receive, and transfer property, and carry on business in its own name.
  • person: may extend and be applied to bodies politic and corporate, as well as to individuals. See Michigan Laws 8.3l
  • state: when applied to the different parts of the United States, shall be construed to extend to and include the District of Columbia and the several territories belonging to the United States; and the words "United States" shall be construed to include the district and territories. See Michigan Laws 8.3o
    (a) Give written notice to the corporation, and to each person described under section 612(1), that the filing is in material and substantial compliance with subsections (6) and (8) and that the filing is complete. The commissioner shall then proceed to approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove the rate filing 60 days after receipt of the filing, based upon whether the filing meets the requirements of this act. However, if a hearing has been requested under section 613, the commissioner shall not approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove a filing until the hearing has been completed and an order issued.
    (b) Give written notice to the corporation that the corporation has not yet complied with subsections (6) and (8). The notice shall state specifically in what respects the filing fails to meet the requirements of subsections (6) and (8).
    (3) Within 10 days after the filing of notice pursuant to subsection (2)(b), the corporation shall submit to the commissioner such additional information and materials, as requested by the commissioner. Within 10 days after receipt of the additional information and materials, the commissioner shall determine whether the filing is in material and substantial compliance with subsections (6) and (8). If the commissioner determines that the filing does not yet materially and substantially meet the requirements of subsections (6) and (8), the commissioner shall give notice to the corporation pursuant to subsection (2)(b) or use visitation of the corporation’s facilities and examination of the corporation’s records to obtain the necessary information described in the notice issued pursuant to subsection (2)(b). The commissioner shall use either procedure previously mentioned, or a combination of both procedures, in order to obtain the necessary information as expeditiously as possible. The per diem, traveling, reproduction, and other necessary expenses in connection with visitation and examination shall be paid by the corporation, and shall be credited to the general fund of the state.
    (4) If a filing is approved, approved with modifications, or disapproved under subsection (2)(a), the commissioner shall issue a written order of the approval, approval with modifications, or disapproval. If the filing was approved with modifications or disapproved, the order shall state specifically in what respects the filing fails to meet the requirements of this act and, if applicable, what modifications are required for approval under this act. If the filing was approved with modifications, the order shall state that the filing shall take effect after the modifications are made and approved by the commissioner. If the filing was disapproved, the order shall state that the filing shall not take effect.
    (5) The inability to approve 1 or more rating classes of business within a line of business because of a requirement to submit further data or because a request for a hearing under section 613 has been granted shall not delay the approval of rates by the commissioner which could otherwise be approved or the implementation of rates already approved, unless the approval or implementation would affect the consideration of the unapproved classes of business.
    (6) Information furnished under subsection (1) in support of a nongroup rate filing shall include the following:
    (a) Recent claim experience on the benefits or comparable benefits for which the rate filing applies.
    (b) Actual prior trend experience.
    (c) Actual prior administrative expenses.
    (d) Projected trend factors.
    (e) Projected administrative expenses.
    (f) Contributions for risk and contingency reserve factors.
    (g) Actual health care corporation contingency reserve position.
    (h) Projected health care corporation contingency reserve position.
    (i) Other information which the corporation considers pertinent to evaluating the risks to be rated, or relevant to the determination to be made under this section.
    (j) Other information which the commissioner considers pertinent to evaluating the risks to be rated, or relevant to the determination to be made under this section.
    (7) A copy of the filing, and all supporting information, except for the information which may not be disclosed under section 604, shall be open to public inspection as of the date filed with the commissioner.
    (8) The commissioner shall make available forms and instructions for filing for proposed rates under sections 608(1) and 608(2). The forms with instructions shall be available not less than 180 days before the proposed effective date of the filing.