(1) A petition under this article must be verified. A certified copy of a child-custody determination sought to be enforced and of the order confirming registration, if any, must be attached to the petition. A copy of a certified copy of an order may be attached instead of the original.
    (2) A petition for enforcement of a child-custody determination must state all of the following:

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Terms Used In Michigan Laws 722.1307

  • Child: means an individual who is younger than 18 years of age. See Michigan Laws 722.1102
  • Child-custody determination: means a judgment, decree, or other court order providing for legal custody, physical custody, or parenting time with respect to a child. See Michigan Laws 722.1102
  • Court: means an entity authorized under the law of a state to establish, enforce, or modify a child-custody determination. See Michigan Laws 722.1102
  • Issuing court: means the court that makes a child-custody determination for which enforcement is sought under this act. See Michigan Laws 722.1102
  • Jurisdiction: (1) The legal authority of a court to hear and decide a case. Concurrent jurisdiction exists when two courts have simultaneous responsibility for the same case. (2) The geographic area over which the court has authority to decide cases.
  • Petitioner: means a person who seeks enforcement of a child-custody determination or enforcement of an order for return of a child under the Hague convention on the civil aspects of international child abduction. See Michigan Laws 722.1301
  • Physical custody: means the physical care and supervision of a child. See Michigan Laws 722.1102
  • Respondent: means a person against whom a proceeding has been commenced for enforcement of a child-custody determination or enforcement of an order for the return of a child under the Hague convention on the civil aspects of international child abduction. See Michigan Laws 722.1301
  • State: means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, or a territory or insular possession subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. See Michigan Laws 722.1102
    (a) Whether the court that issued the child-custody determination identified the jurisdictional basis it relied upon in exercising jurisdiction and, if so, what the basis was.
    (b) Whether the child-custody determination for which enforcement is sought has been vacated, stayed, or modified by a court whose decision must be enforced under this act or federal law and, if so, identify the court, the case number of the proceeding, and the action taken.
    (c) Whether a proceeding has been commenced that could affect the current proceeding, including a proceeding relating to domestic violence, a protective order, termination of parental rights, or adoption and, if so, identify the court and the case number and nature of the proceeding.
    (d) The present physical address of the child and the respondent, if known.
    (e) Whether relief in addition to the immediate physical custody of the child and attorney fees is sought, including a request for assistance from law enforcement officials and, if so, the relief sought.
    (f) If the child-custody determination has been registered and confirmed under section 304, the date and place of registration.
    (3) Upon the filing of a petition under this article, the court shall issue an order directing the respondent to appear with or without the child at a hearing and may enter any order necessary to ensure the safety of the parties and the child. The court shall hold the hearing on the next judicial day after service of the order unless that date is impossible. In that event, the court shall hold the hearing on the first judicial day possible. The court may extend the date of hearing at the request of the petitioner.
    (4) An order issued under subsection (3) must state the time and place of the hearing and must advise the respondent that at the hearing the court will order the delivery of the child and the payment of fees, costs, and expenses under section 311, and may schedule an additional hearing to determine whether further relief is appropriate, unless the respondent appears and establishes either of the following:
    (a) The child-custody determination has not been registered and confirmed under section 304 and 1 or more of the following:
    (i) The issuing court did not have jurisdiction under article 2.
    (ii) The child-custody determination for which enforcement is sought has been vacated, stayed, or modified by a court of a state having jurisdiction to do so under article 2 or federal law.
    (iii) The respondent was entitled to notice, but notice was not given in accordance with the standards of section 108 in the proceedings before the court that issued the order for which enforcement is sought.
    (b) The child-custody determination for which enforcement is sought was registered and confirmed under section 304, but has been vacated, stayed, or modified by a court of a state having jurisdiction to do so under article 2 or federal law.