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Terms Used In Michigan Laws 722.604

  • Advice and consent: Under the Constitution, presidential nominations for executive and judicial posts take effect only when confirmed by the Senate, and international treaties become effective only when the Senate approves them by a two-thirds vote.
  • Child: means a person under 18 years of age. See Michigan Laws 722.602
  • Child abuse: means harm or threatened harm to a child's health or welfare by a person responsible for the child's health or welfare, which harm occurs or is threatened through nonaccidental physical or mental injury; sexual abuse, which includes a violation of section 145c of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL 750. See Michigan Laws 722.602
  • Neglect: means harm to a child's health or welfare by a person responsible for the child's health or welfare that occurs through negligent treatment, including the failure to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, or medical care, though financially able to do so, or the failure to seek financial or other reasonable means to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, or medical care. See Michigan Laws 722.602
  • state: when applied to the different parts of the United States, shall be construed to extend to and include the District of Columbia and the several territories belonging to the United States; and the words "United States" shall be construed to include the district and territories. See Michigan Laws 8.3o
  • State board: means the state child abuse and neglect prevention board created in section 3. See Michigan Laws 722.602
  • Trust fund: means the children's trust fund established in the department of treasury. See Michigan Laws 722.602
    (1) The state board shall be composed of the following members:
    (a) The director of human services, the director of community health, the superintendent of public instruction, and the director of the department of state police, or designees authorized to speak on their behalf.
    (b) Eleven public members appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. As a group, the public members shall do all of the following:
    (i) Demonstrate knowledge in the area of child abuse and neglect prevention.
    (ii) Be representative of the demographic composition of this state.
    (iii) To the extent practicable, be representative of all of the following categories: parents, organized labor, the business community, the religious community, the legal community, professional providers of child abuse and neglect prevention services, and volunteers in child abuse and neglect prevention services.
    (2) The term of each public member shall be 3 years, except that of the public members first appointed, 3 shall serve for 3 years, 3 for 2 years, and 4 for 1 year. A public member shall not serve more than 2 consecutive terms whether partial or full. A vacancy shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment.
    (3) The governor shall designate a chairperson of the state board from among the public members. The chairperson shall serve in that position at the pleasure of the governor. The state board may elect other officers and committees as it considers appropriate.
    (4) The actual and necessary per diem compensation and the schedule for reimbursement of expenses for the public members of the state board shall be the same as is established annually by the legislature for similar boards that are reimbursed from the general fund. The compensation and reimbursement, executive director and staff salaries, and all actual and necessary operating expenses of the state board shall be paid from the trust fund, according to an authorization as provided in section 9.