In making grants to a local council, the state board shall consider the degree to which the local council meets the following criteria:
    (a) Has as its primary purpose the development and facilitation of a collaborative community prevention program in a specific geographical area. The prevention program shall utilize trained volunteers and existing community resources wherever practicable.

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Terms Used In Michigan Laws 722.610

  • Local council: means an organization that meets the criteria described in section 10(a). See Michigan Laws 722.602
  • Prevention program: means a system of direct provision of child abuse and neglect prevention services to a child, parent, or guardian, and may include research programs related to prevention of child abuse and neglect. See Michigan Laws 722.602
  • Probate: Proving a will
  • state: when applied to the different parts of the United States, shall be construed to extend to and include the District of Columbia and the several territories belonging to the United States; and the words "United States" shall be construed to include the district and territories. See Michigan Laws 8.3o
  • State board: means the state child abuse and neglect prevention board created in section 3. See Michigan Laws 722.602
  • Trust fund: means the children's trust fund established in the department of treasury. See Michigan Laws 722.602
    (b) Is administered by a board of directors composed of an equal number of members from the following 2 groups:
    (i) A representative from each of the following local agencies: the county department of social services, the department of public health, the department of mental health, the probate court, the office of the prosecuting attorney, a local law enforcement agency, a school district, and a number of private, local agencies that provide treatment or prevention services for abused and neglected children and their parents or guardians. The number of private agencies to be represented on the local council shall be designated in the bylaws of the local council by the remaining members.
    (ii) Members of the local council elected by the membership. The elected members shall represent the demographic composition of the community served, as far as practicable.
    (c) Does not provide direct services except on a demonstration project basis, or as a facilitator of interagency projects.
    (d) Demonstrates a willingness and ability to provide prevention program models and consultation to organizations and communities regarding prevention program development and maintenance.
    (e) Demonstrates an ability to match, through money or in-kind services, 50% of the amount of any trust fund money received. The amount and types of in-kind services are subject to the approval of the state board.
    (f) Other criteria that the state board deems appropriate.