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Terms Used In Michigan Laws 780.769a

  • Defendant: In a civil suit, the person complained against; in a criminal case, the person accused of the crime.
  • Defendant: means a person charged with, convicted of, or found not guilty by reason of insanity of committing a crime against a victim. See Michigan Laws 780.752
  • Freedom of Information Act: A federal law that mandates that all the records created and kept by federal agencies in the executive branch of government must be open for public inspection and copying. The only exceptions are those records that fall into one of nine exempted categories listed in the statute. Source: OCC
  • Hospital: means that term as defined in section 100b of the mental health code, 1974 PA 258, MCL 330. See Michigan Laws 780.752
  • Victim: means any of the following:
    (i) An individual who suffers direct or threatened physical, financial, or emotional harm as a result of the commission of a crime, except as provided in subparagraph (ii), (iii), (iv), or (v). See Michigan Laws 780.752
    (1) On a victim‘s written request, the director of a hospital or facility where a defendant found not guilty by reason of insanity has been hospitalized or admitted by court order shall notify the victim of the following:
    (a) A pending transfer of the defendant to a less secure hospital or facility.
    (b) A pending transfer of the defendant to alternative care or treatment, community placement, or aftercare reintegration.
    (c) A pending leave, absence, furlough, or other release from confinement for the defendant, whether temporary or permanent.
    (2) A notice required by subsection (1) shall be given by any means reasonably calculated to give the victim prompt actual notice.
    (3) A victim’s address and telephone number maintained by a hospital or facility under this section is exempt from disclosure under the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246.