Texas Education Code 86.13 – Civil Engineer; Soil Conservation Demonstrations
The board shall employ a graduate civil engineer of the university who has a practical and scientific knowledge of the conservation of moisture and soil fertility, who understands the practical art of terracing farmland to preserve the moisture and soil fertility and to prevent the washing away and the destruction of the properties of the soil, and who has had five years’ actual experience in terracing farmlands in some southern state. He shall make his headquarters at the university, where he shall instruct the students by lecture and practical demonstration in the best method of such conservation and terracing so as to enable them to do the work successfully. He shall devote one-half of his time to such instruction, and the other half shall be spent in field work, giving practical demonstrations in terracing to farmers’ institutes and other farmers’ organizations; and the president of the university shall require him to go over the state on the application of farmers desiring expert instruction in terracing farmlands and in conserving the moisture and soil fertility. He shall be furnished with the necessary instruments and equipment for the demonstration and instruction.