Texas Family Code 107.005 – Additional Duties of Amicus Attorney
(a) Subject to any specific limitation in the order of appointment, an amicus attorney shall advocate the best interests of the child after reviewing the facts and circumstances of the case. Notwithstanding Subsection (b), in determining the best interests of the child, an amicus attorney is not bound by the child’s expressed objectives of representation.
(b) An amicus attorney shall, in a developmentally appropriate manner:
(1) with the consent of the child, ensure that the child’s expressed objectives of representation are made known to the court;
(2) explain the role of the amicus attorney to the child;
(3) inform the child that the amicus attorney may use information that the child provides in providing assistance to the court; and
(4) become familiar with the American Bar Association’s standards of practice for attorneys who represent children in custody cases.
(c) An amicus attorney may not disclose confidential communications between the amicus attorney and the child unless the amicus attorney determines that disclosure is necessary to assist the court regarding the best interests of the child.