Texas Finance Code 156.209 – Denial of Applications and Renewals
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(a) If the commissioner declines or fails to issue or renew a license, the commissioner shall promptly give written notice to the applicant or the person requesting the renewal that the application or renewal, as appropriate, was denied.
(b) Before the applicant or person requesting the renewal may appeal to a district court as provided by § 156.401, the applicant or person must file with the commissioner, not later than the 10th day after the date on which notice under Subsection (a) is received, an appeal of the ruling requesting a time and place for a hearing before a hearings officer designated by the commissioner.
Terms Used In Texas Finance Code 156.209
- Appeal: A request made after a trial, asking another court (usually the court of appeals) to decide whether the trial was conducted properly. To make such a request is "to appeal" or "to take an appeal." One who appeals is called the appellant.
- Person: includes corporation, organization, government or governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, association, and any other legal entity. See Texas Government Code 311.005
- Written: includes any representation of words, letters, symbols, or figures. See Texas Government Code 311.005
(c) The designated hearings officer shall set the time and place for a hearing requested under Subsection (b) not later than the 90th day after the date on which the appeal is received. The hearings officer shall provide at least 10 days’ notice of the hearing to the applicant or person requesting the renewal. The time of the hearing may be continued periodically with the consent of the applicant or person requesting the renewal. After the hearing, the commissioner shall enter an order from the findings of fact, conclusions of law, and recommendations of the hearings officer.
(d) If an applicant or person requesting the renewal fails to request a hearing under this section, the commissioner’s refusal to issue or renew a license is final and may not be subject to review by the courts.
(e) A hearing held under this section is governed by Chapter 2001, Government Code. An appeal of a final order issued under this section may be made in accordance with § 156.401.
(f) A person who requests a hearing under this section shall be required to pay a deposit to secure the payment of the costs of the hearing in an amount to be determined by the commissioner not to exceed $500. The entire deposit shall be refunded to the person if the person prevails in the contested case hearing. If the person does not prevail, any portion of the deposit in excess of the costs of the hearing assessed against that person shall be refundable.
(g) A person whose application for or request to renew a license has been denied is not eligible to be licensed for a period of two years after the date the denial becomes final, or a shorter period as determined by the commissioner after evaluating the specific circumstances of the denial. The finance commission may adopt rules to provide conditions for which the commissioner may shorten the period of ineligibility.