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Terms Used In Texas Government Code 485A.105

  • Person: includes corporation, organization, government or governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, association, and any other legal entity. See Texas Government Code 311.005

An ordinance or order nominating a location as a qualified media production location must:
(1) describe precisely both the media production development zone in which the location is to be included and the proposed location by a legal description or reference to municipal or county boundaries;
(2) state a finding that the location meets the requirements of this chapter and that the media production development zone in which the location is to be included has been recognized as a zone by ordinance or order, as appropriate, by the nominating body;
(3) summarize briefly the local financial incentives, including tax incentives, that, at the election of the nominating body, will apply to a qualified person;
(4) contain a brief description of the project or activity to be conducted by a qualified person at the location;
(5) nominate the location as a qualified media production location; and
(6) contain an economic impact analysis from an economic expert.