(a) The sterilization agreement used by a releasing agency must contain:
(1) the date of the agreement;
(2) the names, addresses, and signatures of the releasing agency and the new owner;
(3) a description of the animal to be adopted;
(4) the sterilization completion date; and
(5) a statement, printed in conspicuous, bold print, that sterilization of the animal is required under Chapter 828, Health and Safety Code, and that a violation of this chapter is a criminal offense punishable as a Class C misdemeanor.
(b) The sterilization completion date contained in the sterilization agreement must be:
(1) the 30th day after the date of adoption in the case of an adult animal;
(2) the 30th day after a specified date estimated to be the date an adopted infant female animal becomes six months old or an adopted infant male animal becomes eight months old; or
(3) if the releasing agency has a written policy recommending sterilization of certain infant animals at an earlier date, the 30th day after the date contained in the written policy.

Attorney's Note

Under the Texas Codes, punishments for crimes depend on the classification. In the case of this section:
Class C misdemeanorup to $500
For details, see

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Terms Used In Texas Health and Safety Code 828.003