(a) The question to be decided by the board must be submitted to the board in writing, signed by:
(1) the employer or receiver; and
(2) the labor organization representing the employees or the employee or any employee or employees to be affected by the arbitration who do not belong to a labor organization.
(b) The submission must stipulate that:
(1) pending the arbitration, the status existing before the dispute, grievance, or strike may not be changed;
(2) the arbitration award shall be filed with the district clerk for the county in which the arbitration is conducted;
(3) the arbitration award is final and may not be set aside except for an error in law that is apparent on the record;
(4) the parties will faithfully execute the arbitration award;
(5) the arbitration award may be enforced in a court of equity;
(6) an employee dissatisfied with the arbitration award may not end employment because of that dissatisfaction without giving the employer 30 days’ written notice of the intention to end employment;
(7) the award continues in effect until the first anniversary of the initial date of its implementation; and
(8) a new arbitration of the same subject matter between the same parties may not be entered into during the one year period provided for in Subdivision (7).

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Terms Used In Texas Labor Code 102.041