Texas Labor Code 301.001 – Purpose; Agency Goals; Definitions
(a) The Texas Workforce Commission is a state agency established to operate an integrated workforce development system in this state, in particular through the consolidation of job training, employment, and employment-related educational programs available in this state, and to administer the unemployment compensation insurance program in this state.
(b) The commission shall meet the needs of:
(1) the businesses of this state for the development of a highly skilled and productive workforce;
(2) the workers of this state for education, skills training, and labor market information to enhance their employability, earnings, and standard of living and for an efficient unemployment compensation system;
(3) the people of this state who are making a transition into the workforce, particularly persons receiving public assistance, displaced homemakers, and students making the transition from school to work;
(4) the communities of this state to provide economic incentive programs for job creation, attraction, and expansion; and
(5) the taxpayers of this state to ensure that tax revenues for workforce development are spent efficiently and effectively.
(c) A reference in this code or another law to the Texas Employment Commission means the Texas Workforce Commission.
(d) In this title:
(1) “Chair” means the chair of the commission.
(2) “Commission” means the Texas Workforce Commission.
(3) “Council” means the Texas Workforce Investment Council.
(4) “Employment service” means the commission or the entity designated by the commission to implement duties imposed under the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. § 49 et seq.).
(5) “Executive director” means the executive director of the commission.
(6) “Local workforce development board” means an entity formed under Chapter 2308, Government Code.