(a) It is the duty and responsibility of the state to clean and maintain the condition of all public beaches located within state parks designated by the department.
(a-1) Notwithstanding Sections 61.065 and 61.066, the land office shall clean, maintain, and clear debris from a public beach that is located in an area designated as a threatened area in a declaration of a state of disaster issued under § 418.014, Government Code. The duty of the land office under this subsection is limited to debris related to the event that is the subject of the disaster declaration.

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(a-2) As part of the duty under this section to clean and maintain the condition of public beaches located within state parks, the department shall:
(1) during reasonable daylight hours, as established and posted by the department, from Memorial Day to Labor Day, provide:
(A) occupied lifeguard towers or mobile lifeguard units on each side of each pier, jetty, or other structure that protrudes into the Gulf of Mexico that is located within a state park; or
(B) a single occupied lifeguard tower or mobile lifeguard unit at each pier, jetty, or other structure that protrudes into the Gulf of Mexico that is located within a state park if the single tower provides an unobstructed view of both sides of the structure; and
(2) post within 100 yards of each side of each structure described by Subdivision (1) signs clearly describing the dangerous water conditions that may occur near the structure.
(a-3) The department may suspend or alter the duties imposed under Subsection (a-2) during dangerous weather conditions or emergency operations.
(b) The land office shall consult with the department in adopting rules and procedures for cleaning beaches in state parks and areas adjacent to state parks.
(c) The land office shall expand the Adopt-A-Beach program to the greatest extent feasible to enhance the performance of its duties under this subchapter.
(d) The land office may use any cash, gifts, grants, donations, or in-kind contributions that it receives from a public or private entity through the administration of the Adopt-A-Beach program to assist a municipality, a county, or the department in performing any duty imposed on the city, county, or department by this subchapter.
(e) The land office may adopt rules reasonably necessary to perform its duties under this subchapter.