Texas Utilities Code 251.157 – Duty of Operator to Person Excavating
(a) Each Class A underground facility operator contacted by the notification system shall mark the approximate location of its underground facilities at or near the site of the proposed excavation if the operator believes that marking the location is necessary. The operator shall mark the location not later than:
(1) the 48th hour after the time the excavator gives to the notification system notice of intent to excavate, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays;
(2) 11:59 a.m. on the Tuesday following a Saturday notification unless the intervening Monday is a holiday;
(3) 11:59 a.m. on the Wednesday following a Saturday notification if the intervening Monday is a holiday; or
(4) a time agreed to by the operator and the excavator.
(b) An operator shall refer to the American Public Works Association color coding standards when marking.
(c) An excavator who has fully complied with this chapter may not be liable for damage to an underground facility that was not marked in accordance with this chapter.
(d) Not later than the 48th hour after the time the excavator gives to the notification center notice of intent to excavate, an operator contacted by the notification center shall notify the excavator of the operator’s plans to not mark the proximate location of an underground facility at or near the site of the proposed excavation. The operator must provide the notification by e-mail or facsimile or by another verifiable electronic method approved by the board.