(a) It is the intent of the general assembly to encourage the redevelopment of brownfield sites in this state. In addition to the authorization provided in § 7-53-312, a corporation located in a municipality in which a brownfield redevelopment project is located may prepare and submit to the municipality for approval an economic impact plan with respect to the brownfield redevelopment project in the manner provided in this section. Except to the extent modified under this section, § 7-53-312 applies to an economic impact plan for a brownfield redevelopment project.

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Terms Used In Tennessee Code 7-53-316

  • Bonds: means bonds, notes, interim certificates or other obligations of a corporation issued pursuant to this chapter. See Tennessee Code 7-53-101
  • Corporation: A legal entity owned by the holders of shares of stock that have been issued, and that can own, receive, and transfer property, and carry on business in its own name.
  • Corporation: means any corporation organized pursuant to this chapter. See Tennessee Code 7-53-101
  • Fiscal year: The fiscal year is the accounting period for the government. For the federal government, this begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, fiscal year 2006 begins on October 1, 2005 and ends on September 30, 2006.
  • Municipality: means any county or incorporated city or town in this state with respect to which a corporation may be organized and in which it is contemplated the corporation will function. See Tennessee Code 7-53-101
  • Obligation: An order placed, contract awarded, service received, or similar transaction during a given period that will require payments during the same or a future period.
  • Project: means all or any part of, or any interest in:
    (A) Any land and building, including office building, any facility or other improvement on the land, and all real and personal properties deemed necessary in connection therewith, whether or not now in existence, that shall be suitable for the following or by any combination of two (2) or more thereof:
    (i) Any industry for the manufacturing, processing or assembling of any agricultural, mining, or manufactured products. See Tennessee Code 7-53-101
  • Property: includes both personal and real property. See Tennessee Code 1-3-105
  • State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes the District of Columbia and the several territories of the United States. See Tennessee Code 1-3-105
  • Year: means a calendar year, unless otherwise expressed. See Tennessee Code 1-3-105
(b) An economic impact plan submitted for approval under this section shall provide that the property taxes imposed on the property, including the personal property located within the area subject to the plan, the sales taxes imposed upon sales within the area subject to the plan, the sales taxes imposed upon construction and related development or redevelopment activity in the area subject to the plan, or any combination and amount of such property and sales taxes, will be distributable in the manner described in subsection (c) and § 7-53-312(c), as applicable, and used for the purposes permitted by subsection (e).
(c) In addition to the allocation of property taxes provided in § 7-53-312, an economic impact plan may further provide that the non-school portion of the local sales tax increment shall be allocated to and, when received, shall be paid into a separate fund of the corporation established to hold such payments, along with any other amounts received by the corporation pursuant to this section or § 7-53-312, until applied for the purposes described in subsection (e) pursuant to the economic impact plan. In calculating the non-school portion of the local sales tax increment, the plan may also include any new local sales taxes received from construction or related redevelopment activity occurring within the area subject to the plan. Upon the approval by a municipality of an economic impact plan containing all or any portion of the permitted excess local sales taxes, the local sales taxes received by the municipality shall be divided and allocated as so provided.
(d) Notwithstanding § 7-53-312 to the contrary, the corporation may prepare, and the municipality may approve, an economic impact plan that allocates an amount greater than the base tax amount and the base sales tax amount to the taxing agencies.
(e) All sales and property taxes allocated for an economic impact plan approved pursuant to this section shall only be applied by the corporation to pay expenses of the corporation in furtherance of economic development in the municipality, to pay or reimburse qualified costs or to pay debt service on bonds or other obligations issued by the corporation to finance any of the foregoing. The corporation shall cease to receive allocations described in this section and § 7-53-312(c) upon the maturity of the original bond or obligation used to finance the project, whose maximum amount of debt maturity must be no longer than thirty (30) years.
(f) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:

(1) “Base sales tax amount” means the revenues received by the municipality from local sales taxes, excluding that portion of the local sales tax dedicated for school purposes, from the area subject to the plan for the fiscal year of the municipality immediately prior to the year in which the plan is adopted. “Local sales taxes” means taxes received by the municipality pursuant to the 1963 Local Option Revenue Act, compiled in title 67, chapter 6, part 7, excluding that portion of the local sales taxes dedicated for school purposes;
(2) “Brownfield redevelopment project”:

(A) Means the development or redevelopment, in one (1) or more phases as specified in the economic impact plan, of all or a portion of a parcel or parcels of contiguous, adjacent, or related properties. The parcel or parcels must contain:

(i) At least one (1) brownfield site; or
(ii) A site of at least ten (10) acres that has remained vacant or substantially unoccupied for at least five (5) years and, at any time within twenty (20) years prior to June 1, 2011, included manufacturing, industrial, distribution, or retail facilities, in total, containing at least one million square feet (1,000,000 sq. ft.); and
(B) Includes a project as defined in § 7-53-101 and a publicly or privately owned or operated retail, commercial, industrial, or mixed-use facility, including a visitor center, recreation, administrative facilities, offices, restaurants, and other amenities constructed or acquired as part of the project;
(3) “Brownfield site” means a parcel or adjacent or related parcels of real property that is currently, or at any time since January 1, 2000, has been the subject of an investigation, remediation, or mitigation as a brownfield project under a voluntary agreement or consent order pursuant to § 68-212-224;
(4) “Non-school portion of the local sales tax increment” means any excess of local sales taxes, after deducting the portion that is statutorily designated for school purposes, over the base sales tax amount that is received by each municipality that has approved the economic impact plan from the specified sales and development activity in the area that is subject to the plan; and
(5) “Qualified costs” include:

(A) Public infrastructure costs, including, but not limited to, costs for all roads, streets, sidewalks, access ways, ramps, bridges, landscaping, signage, utility facilities, grading, drainage, parks, plazas, greenways, public parking facilities, public recreational facilities, public educational facilities, public meeting facilities, and similar improvements that are necessary for or otherwise useful for the brownfield redevelopment project or for the development or redevelopment of the area subject to the economic impact plan;
(B) All administrative, architectural, legal, engineering, and other expenses as may be necessary or incidental to the development and implementation of the economic impact plan or the financing of expenses under this section;
(C) Costs that are directly related to the investigation, remediation, or mitigation of the brownfield redevelopment project as required by a voluntary agreement or consent order pursuant to § 68-212-224;
(D) Costs of acquisition of the project site; and
(E) Costs of improvements to the project site, including, but not limited to, demolition, clearing, grading, utility connections to public or private utilities, buildings constructed on the project site, landscaping for the project site, and stormwater facilities on the project site;
(g) A brownfield redevelopment project shall be a project for purposes of § 7-53-101 and for all other purposes under this chapter.