A government issued photo identification is valid for purposes of this chapter if the identification:

(1) is unexpired;

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Terms Used In Utah Code 26B-4-244

  • Government issued photo identification: means any of the following forms of identification:
         (19)(a) a valid state-issued driver license or identification card;
         (19)(b) a valid United States federal-issued photo identification, including:
              (19)(b)(i) a United States passport;
              (19)(b)(ii) a United States passport card;
              (19)(b)(iii) a United States military identification card; or
              (19)(b)(iv) a permanent resident card or alien registration receipt card; or
         (19)(c) a foreign passport. See Utah Code 26B-4-201
  • Recommending medical provider: means a qualified medical provider or a limited medical provider. See Utah Code 26B-4-201
(2) expired within the previous six months; or
(3) is expired and belongs to an individual who:

     (3)(a) as reported by the individual’s recommending medical provider is in hospice or has a terminal illness; or
     (3)(b) is a patient or resident of:

          (3)(b)(i) an assisted living facility, as defined in Section 26B-2-201;
          (3)(b)(ii) a nursing care facility, as defined in Section 26B-2-201; or
          (3)(b)(iii) a general acute hospital, as defined in Section 26B-2-201.