Utah Code 26B-6-112. Allocation of funds to acquire facilities
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Terms Used In Utah Code 26B-6-112
- aged: means a person 60 years old or older. See Utah Code 26B-6-101
- Area agency: means an area agency that provides services to the aged, high risk adults, or both within a planning and service area. See Utah Code 26B-6-101
- Area agency on aging: means a public or private nonprofit agency or office designated by the division to:(4)(a) operate within a planning and service area of the state; and(4)(b) develop and implement a broad range of services for the aged in the area described in Subsection (4)(a). See Utah Code 26B-6-101
- Board: means the Board of Aging and Adult Services created in Section 26B-1-426. See Utah Code 26B-6-101
- Division: means the Division of Aging and Adult Services within the department. See Utah Code 26B-6-101
- Oversight: Committee review of the activities of a Federal agency or program.
- Property: includes both real and personal property. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes a state, district, or territory of the United States. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
(1)(a) The board may make grants to local area agencies on aging to acquire facilities to provide community-based services for aged persons. Grants under this section shall be made solely from appropriations made to the division for implementation of this section.
(1)(b) Acquisition of a facility may include acquisition of real property, construction of a new facility, acquisition of an existing facility, or alteration, renovation, or improvement of an existing facility.
(1)(c) The local area agency may allocate grants received under this section to a local nonprofit or governmental agency that owns or operates a facility to provide community-based services for aged persons.
(2) A local area agency on aging or the local nonprofit or governmental agency that owns or operates the facility and receives grant money from the area agency shall provide a matching contribution of at least 25% of the grant funds it receives under this section. A matching contribution may include funds, services, property, or other in-kind contributions.
(3) In making grants under this section, the board may consider:
(3)(a) the extent and availability of public and private funding to operate programs in the facility to be acquired and to provide for maintenance of that facility;
(3)(b) the need for community-based services in the geographical area served by the area agency on aging;
(3)(c) the availability of private and local funds to assist in acquisition, alteration, renovation, or improvement of the facility; and
(3)(d) the extent and level of support for acquisition of the facility from local government officials, private citizens, interest groups, and others.
(4) Grants to local area agencies on aging and any local nonprofit or governmental agency that owns or operates a facility and receives grant money from the area agency under this section are subject to the oversight and control by the division described in Subsection 26B-6-104(8).
(5) It is the intent of the Legislature that the grants made under this section serve the statewide purpose of providing support for senior citizens throughout the state, and that the grants shall be made to serve as effectively as possible the facilities in greatest need of assistance.