Utah Code 54-15-104. Charges or credits for net electricity
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(1) Each electrical corporation with a customer participating in a net metering program shall measure net electricity during each monthly billing period, in accordance with normal metering practices.
Terms Used In Utah Code 54-15-104
- Annualized billing period: means :(1)(a) a 12-month billing cycle beginning on April 1 of one year and ending on March 31 of the following year; or(1)(b) an additional 12-month billing cycle as defined by an electrical corporation's net metering tariff or rate schedule. See Utah Code 54-15-102
- Corporation: A legal entity owned by the holders of shares of stock that have been issued, and that can own, receive, and transfer property, and carry on business in its own name.
- Corporation: includes an association and a joint stock company having any powers or privileges not possessed by individuals or partnerships. See Utah Code 54-2-1
- Customer-generated electricity: means electricity that:(2)(a) is generated by a customer generation system for a customer participating in a net metering program;(2)(b) exceeds the electricity the customer needs for the customer's own use; and(2)(c) is supplied to the electrical corporation administering the net metering program. See Utah Code 54-15-102
- Excess customer-generated electricity: means the amount of customer-generated electricity in excess of the customer's consumption from the customer generation system during a monthly billing period, as measured at the electrical corporation's meter. See Utah Code 54-15-102
- Governing authority: means :(8)(a) for a distribution electrical cooperative, its board of directors; and(8)(b) for each other electrical corporation, the Public Service Commission. See Utah Code 54-15-102
- Net electricity: means the difference, as measured at the meter owned by the electrical corporation between:(10)(a) the amount of electricity that an electrical corporation supplies to a customer participating in a net metering program; and(10)(b) the amount of customer-generated electricity delivered to the electrical corporation. See Utah Code 54-15-102
- Net metering: means measuring the amount of net electricity for the applicable billing period. See Utah Code 54-15-102
(2) If net metering does not result in excess customer-generated electricity during the monthly billing period, the electrical corporation shall bill the customer for the net electricity, in accordance with normal billing practices.
(3) Subject to Subsection (4), if net metering results in excess customer-generated electricity during the monthly billing period:
(3)(a)(i) the electrical corporation shall credit the customer for the excess customer-generated electricity based on the meter reading for the billing period at a value that is at least avoided cost, or as determined by the governing authority; and
(3)(a)(ii) all credits that the customer does not use during the annualized billing period expire at the end of the annualized billing period; and
(3)(b) as authorized by the governing authority, the electrical corporation may bill the customer for customer charges that otherwise would have accrued during that billing period in the absence of excess customer-generated electricity.
(4) At the end of an annualized billing period, an electrical corporation’s avoided cost value of remaining unused credits described in Subsection (3)(a) shall be granted:
(4)(a) to the electrical corporation’s low-income assistance programs as determined by the governing authority; or
(4)(b) for another use as determined by the governing authority.