In addition to the exemptions from licensure in Section 58-1-307, the following individuals may engage in the described acts or practices without being licensed under this chapter:

(1) an individual rendering aid in an emergency, when no fee or other consideration of value for the service is charged, received, expected, or contemplated;

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Terms Used In Utah Code 58-71-305

  • Department: means the Department of Commerce. See Utah Code 58-1-102
  • Diagnose: means :
         (4)(a) to examine in any manner another individual, parts of an individual's body, substances, fluids, or materials excreted, taken, or removed from an individual's body, or produced by an individual's body, to determine the source, nature, kind, or extent of a disease or other physical or mental condition;
         (4)(b) to attempt to conduct an examination or determination described under Subsection (4)(a);
         (4)(c) to hold oneself out as making or to represent that one is making an examination or determination as described in Subsection (4)(a); or
         (4)(d) to make an examination or determination as described in Subsection (4)(a) upon or from information supplied directly or indirectly by another individual, whether or not in the presence of the individual the examination or determination concerns. See Utah Code 58-71-102
  • Division: means the Division of Professional Licensing created in Section 58-1-103. See Utah Code 58-1-102
  • Naturopathic physician: means an individual licensed under this chapter to engage in the practice of naturopathic medicine. See Utah Code 58-71-102
  • Person: means :
         (24)(a) an individual;
         (24)(b) an association;
         (24)(c) an institution;
         (24)(d) a corporation;
         (24)(e) a company;
         (24)(f) a trust;
         (24)(g) a limited liability company;
         (24)(h) a partnership;
         (24)(i) a political subdivision;
         (24)(j) a government office, department, division, bureau, or other body of government; and
         (24)(k) any other organization or entity. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
  • Practice of naturopathic medicine: means :
         (13)(a) a system of primary health care for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of human health conditions, injuries, and diseases that uses education, natural medicines, and natural therapies, to support and stimulate the patient's intrinsic self-healing processes by:
              (13)(a)(i) using naturopathic childbirth, but only if:
                   (13)(a)(i)(A) the licensee meets standards of the American College of Naturopathic Obstetricians (ACNO) or ACNO's successor as determined by the division in collaboration with the board; and
                   (13)(a)(i)(B) the licensee follows a written plan for naturopathic physicians practicing naturopathic childbirth approved by the division in collaboration with the board, which includes entering into an agreement with a consulting physician and surgeon or osteopathic physician, in cases where the scope of practice of naturopathic childbirth may be exceeded and specialty care and delivery is indicated, detailing the guidelines by which the naturopathic physician will:
                        (13)(a)(i)(B)(I) refer patients to the consulting physician; and
                        (13)(a)(i)(B)(II) consult with the consulting physician;
              (13)(a)(ii) using naturopathic mobilization therapy;
              (13)(a)(iii) using naturopathic physical medicine;
              (13)(a)(iv) using minor office procedures;
              (13)(a)(v) prescribing or administering natural medicine;
              (13)(a)(vi) prescribing medical equipment and devices, diagnosing by the use of medical equipment and devices, and administering therapy or treatment by the use of medical devices necessary and consistent with the competent practice of naturopathic medicine;
              (13)(a)(vii) prescribing barrier devices for contraception;
              (13)(a)(viii) using dietary therapy;
              (13)(a)(ix) taking and using diagnostic x-rays, electrocardiograms, ultrasound, and physiological function tests;
              (13)(a)(x) taking of body fluids for clinical laboratory tests and using the results of the tests in diagnosis;
              (13)(a)(xi) taking of a history from and conducting of a physical examination upon a human patient; and
              (13)(a)(xii) administering local anesthesia during the performance of a minor office procedure;
         (13)(b) to maintain an office or place of business for the purpose of doing any of the acts described in Subsection (13)(a), whether or not for compensation; or
         (13)(c) to use, in the conduct of any occupation or profession pertaining to the diagnosis or treatment of human diseases or conditions, in any printed material, stationery, letterhead, envelopes, signs, or advertisements, the designation "naturopathic physician" "naturopathic doctor" "naturopath" "doctor of naturopathic medicine" "doctor of naturopathy" "naturopathic medical doctor" "naturopathic medicine" "naturopathic health care" "naturopathy" "N. See Utah Code 58-71-102
  • State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes a state, district, or territory of the United States. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
(2) an individual administering a domestic or family remedy;
(3) a person engaged in the sale of vitamins, health foods, dietary supplements, herbs, or other products of nature, the sale of which is not otherwise prohibited under state or federal law, but this subsection does not:

     (3)(a) allow a person to diagnose any human disease, ailment, injury, infirmity, deformity, pain, or other condition; or
     (3)(b) prohibit providing truthful and nonmisleading information regarding any of the products under this subsection;
(4) a person engaged in good faith in the practice of the religious tenets of any church or religious belief, without the use of prescription drugs;
(5) a person acting in good faith for religious reasons as a matter of conscience or based on a personal belief when obtaining or providing information regarding health care and the use of any product under Subsection (3);
(6) an individual authorized by the Department of Health and Human Services under Section 26B-1-202, to draw blood pursuant to Subsection 41-6a-523(1)(a)(vi), 53-10-405(2)(a)(vi), 72-10-502(5)(a)(vi), or 77-23-213(3)(a)(vi);
(7) a naturopathic medical assistant while working under the direct and immediate supervision of a licensed naturopathic physician to the extent the medical assistant is engaged in tasks appropriately delegated by the supervisor in accordance with the standards and ethics of the practice of naturopathic medicine; and
(8) an individual who has completed all requirements for licensure under this chapter except the clinical experience required under Section 58-71-302, for a period of one year while that individual is completing that clinical experience requirement and who is working under the provisions of a temporary license issued by the division.