Part 1 General Provisions 53-19-101 – 53-19-103
Part 2 Private Law Enforcement Agencies 53-19-201 – 53-19-204
Part 3 Enforcement 53-19-301 – 53-19-302

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Terms Used In Utah Code > Title 53 > Chapter 19 - Certification of Private Law Enforcement Agency

  • Allegation: something that someone says happened.
  • Appeal: A request made after a trial, asking another court (usually the court of appeals) to decide whether the trial was conducted properly. To make such a request is "to appeal" or "to take an appeal." One who appeals is called the appellant.
  • Appellate: About appeals; an appellate court has the power to review the judgement of another lower court or tribunal.
  • Ballot: means the storage medium, including a paper, mechanical, or electronic storage medium, that records an individual voter's vote. See Utah Code 20A-1-102
  • Certified: means that the county clerk has acknowledged a signature as being the signature of a registered voter. See Utah Code 20A-7-101
  • Department: means the Department of Public Safety created in Section 53-1-103. See Utah Code 53-1-102
  • Discovery: Lawyers' examination, before trial, of facts and documents in possession of the opponents to help the lawyers prepare for trial.
  • Division: means the Peace Officer Standards and Training Division created in Section 53-6-103. See Utah Code 53-19-102
  • Election: means a regular general election, a municipal general election, a statewide special election, a local special election, a regular primary election, a municipal primary election, and a special district election. See Utah Code 20A-1-102
  • Equal: means , with respect to biological sex, of the same value. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
  • Evidence: Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.
  • Initial fiscal impact statement: means a financial statement prepared under Section Utah Code 20A-7-101
  • Initiative: means a new law proposed for adoption by the public as provided in this chapter. See Utah Code 20A-7-101
  • Initiative application: means :
         (12)(a) for a statewide initiative, an application described in Subsection 20A-7-202(2) that includes all the information, statements, documents, and notarized signatures required under Subsection 20A-7-202(2); or
         (12)(b) for a local initiative, an application described in Subsection 20A-7-502(2) that includes all the information, statements, documents, and notarized signatures required under Subsection 20A-7-502(2). See Utah Code 20A-7-101
  • Law enforcement agency: means an entity or division of:
                   (1)(e)(i)(A) the federal government, a state, or a political subdivision of a state;
                   (1)(e)(i)(B) a state institution of higher education; or
                   (1)(e)(i)(C) a private institution of higher education, if the entity or division is certified by the commissioner under Title 53, Chapter 19, Certification of Private Law Enforcement Agency; and
              (1)(e)(ii) that exists primarily to prevent and detect crime and enforce criminal laws, statutes, and ordinances. See Utah Code 53-1-102
  • Legal signatures: means the number of signatures of legal voters that:
         (16)(a) meet the numerical requirements of this chapter; and
         (16)(b) have been obtained, certified, and verified as provided in this chapter. See Utah Code 20A-7-101
  • Peace officer: means any officer certified in accordance with Title 53, Chapter 13, Peace Officer Classifications. See Utah Code 53-1-102
  • Person: means :
         (24)(a) an individual;
         (24)(b) an association;
         (24)(c) an institution;
         (24)(d) a corporation;
         (24)(e) a company;
         (24)(f) a trust;
         (24)(g) a limited liability company;
         (24)(h) a partnership;
         (24)(i) a political subdivision;
         (24)(j) a government office, department, division, bureau, or other body of government; and
         (24)(k) any other organization or entity. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
  • Private law: A private bill enacted into law. Private laws have restricted applicability, often addressing immigration and naturalization issues affecting individuals.
  • Private law enforcement agency: means a law enforcement agency operated by, and at, a private institution of higher education. See Utah Code 53-19-102
  • Probation: A sentencing alternative to imprisonment in which the court releases convicted defendants under supervision as long as certain conditions are observed.
  • Process: means a writ or summons issued in the course of a judicial proceeding. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
  • Public debt: Cumulative amounts borrowed by the Treasury Department or the Federal Financing Bank from the public or from another fund or account. The public debt does not include agency debt (amounts borrowed by other agencies of the Federal Government). The total public debt is subject to a statutory limit.
  • Regular general election: means the election held throughout the state on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each even-numbered year for the purposes established in Section 20A-1-201. See Utah Code 20A-1-102
  • Resident: means a person who resides within a specific voting precinct in Utah. See Utah Code 20A-1-102
  • Signature: includes a name, mark, or sign written with the intent to authenticate an instrument or writing. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
  • Signature sheets: means sheets in the form required by this chapter that are used under the manual initiative process or the manual referendum process to collect signatures in support of an initiative or referendum. See Utah Code 20A-7-101
  • Sponsors: means the legal voters who support the initiative or referendum and who sign the initiative application or referendum application. See Utah Code 20A-7-101
  • State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes a state, district, or territory of the United States. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
  • Tax percentage difference: means the difference between the tax rate proposed by an initiative or an initiative petition and the current tax rate. See Utah Code 20A-7-101
  • Tax percentage increase: means a number calculated by dividing the tax percentage difference by the current tax rate and rounding the result to the nearest thousandth. See Utah Code 20A-7-101
  • Writing: includes :
         (48)(a) printing;
         (48)(b) handwriting; and
         (48)(c) information stored in an electronic or other medium if the information is retrievable in a perceivable format. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5