Utah Code > Title 53G > Chapter 10 – Curriculum Participation and Requirements
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Terms Used In Utah Code > Title 53G > Chapter 10 - Curriculum Participation and Requirements
- Allegation: something that someone says happened.
- Alternative classroom schedule: means a classroom schedule that is different than the schedule followed by other classrooms in the applicable school or LEA. See Utah Code 53G-10-601
- Alternative curriculum: means curriculum in one or more subject areas that is based on standards that are different than the standards:(2)(a) adopted by the state board; and(2)(b) applicable to the regular curriculum offered in the subject area or areas in the applicable school or LEA. See Utah Code 53G-10-601
- Appeal: A request made after a trial, asking another court (usually the court of appeals) to decide whether the trial was conducted properly. To make such a request is "to appeal" or "to take an appeal." One who appeals is called the appellant.
- Appropriation: The provision of funds, through an annual appropriations act or a permanent law, for federal agencies to make payments out of the Treasury for specified purposes. The formal federal spending process consists of two sequential steps: authorization
- Armed forces: means the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Space Force, and Coast Guard. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- behind-the-wheel driving: means operating a dual-controlled motor vehicle under the supervision of a certified instructor. See Utah Code 53G-10-501
- Certificate of registration: means a paper-based or electronic document issued under this title, or a rule or proclamation of the Wildlife Board granting authority to engage in activities not covered by a license, permit, or tag. See Utah Code 23A-1-101
- Complaint: A written statement by the plaintiff stating the wrongs allegedly committed by the defendant.
- Congressional Record: The substantially verbatim account of daily proceedings in Congress. It is printed for each day Congress is in session. At the back of each daily issue is the "Daily Digest," which summarizes the day's floor and committee activities.
- Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.
- Damages: Money paid by defendants to successful plaintiffs in civil cases to compensate the plaintiffs for their injuries.
- Director: means the director of the division appointed under Section
23A-2-202 . See Utah Code 23A-1-101 - Division: means the Division of Wildlife Resources. See Utah Code 23A-1-101
- Driver education: includes classroom instruction and driving and observation in a dual-controlled motor vehicle. See Utah Code 53G-10-501
- electronic cigarette product: means the same as that term is defined in Section 76-10-101. See Utah Code 53G-1-103
- Equal: means , with respect to biological sex, of the same value. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Evidence: Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.
- Fishing: means to take fish or crayfish by any means. See Utah Code 23A-1-101
- Hunting: means to take or pursue a reptile, amphibian, bird, or mammal by any means. See Utah Code 23A-1-101
- Innovation grant: means a grant of money under Section 53G-10-608 to pay for some or all innovation program costs. See Utah Code 53G-10-601
- Innovation program: means a program establishing an alternative classroom schedule or an alternative curriculum, or both. See Utah Code 53G-10-601
- Innovation program application: means an application:(6)(a) proposing the implementation of an innovation program; and(6)(b) submitted under Section 53G-10-603 to the LEA governing board for the LEA in which the innovation program is proposed. See Utah Code 53G-10-601
- Innovation program costs: means costs occasioned by an innovation program that exceed costs of a class that is not subject to an innovation program. See Utah Code 53G-10-601
- Jurisdiction: (1) The legal authority of a court to hear and decide a case. Concurrent jurisdiction exists when two courts have simultaneous responsibility for the same case. (2) The geographic area over which the court has authority to decide cases.
- Obligation: An order placed, contract awarded, service received, or similar transaction during a given period that will require payments during the same or a future period.
- Opportunity class: means a school class within the public education system that implements an innovation program. See Utah Code 53G-10-601
- Participating student: means a K-12 student who participates in an opportunity class under an approved innovation program. See Utah Code 53G-10-601
- Permit: means a paper-based or electronic document that grants authority to engage in specified activities under this title or a rule or proclamation of the Wildlife Board. See Utah Code 23A-1-101
- Person: means an individual, association, partnership, government agency, corporation, or an agent of the individual, association, partnership, government agency, or corporation. See Utah Code 23A-1-101
- Person: means :(24)(a) an individual;(24)(b) an association;(24)(c) an institution;(24)(d) a corporation;(24)(e) a company;(24)(f) a trust;(24)(g) a limited liability company;(24)(h) a partnership;(24)(i) a political subdivision;(24)(j) a government office, department, division, bureau, or other body of government; and(24)(k) any other organization or entity. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Process: means a writ or summons issued in the course of a judicial proceeding. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Property: includes both real and personal property. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Remainder: An interest in property that takes effect in the future at a specified time or after the occurrence of some event, such as the death of a life tenant.
- Sex: means , in relation to an individual, the individual's biological sex, either male or female, at birth, according to distinct reproductive roles as manifested by:(34)(a) sex and reproductive organ anatomy;(34)(b) chromosomal makeup; and(34)(c) endogenous hormone profiles. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Signature: includes a name, mark, or sign written with the intent to authenticate an instrument or writing. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes a state, district, or territory of the United States. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Tag: means a card, label, or other paper-based or electronic means of identification used to document harvest of protected wildlife. See Utah Code 23A-1-101
- United States: includes each state, district, and territory of the United States of America. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Wildlife: means :(61)(a) crustaceans, including brine shrimp and crayfish;(61)(b) mollusks; and(61)(c) vertebrate animals living in nature, except feral animals. See Utah Code 23A-1-101
- Wildlife Board: means the board created in Section
23A-2-301 . See Utah Code 23A-1-101