Utah Code > Title 77 > Chapter 15a – Exemptions From Death Penalty In Capital Cases
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Terms Used In Utah Code > Title 77 > Chapter 15a - Exemptions From Death Penalty In Capital Cases
- Arrest: Taking physical custody of a person by lawful authority.
- Claimant: means a person entitled to claim a preconstruction or construction lien. See Utah Code 38-1a-102
- Construction lien: means a lien under this chapter for construction work. See Utah Code 38-1a-102
- Defendant: In a civil suit, the person complained against; in a criminal case, the person accused of the crime.
- Dismissal: The dropping of a case by the judge without further consideration or hearing. Source:
- Evidence: Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.
- Foreclosure: A legal process in which property that is collateral or security for a loan may be sold to help repay the loan when the loan is in default. Source: OCC
- Intellectual disability: means a significant, subaverage general intellectual functioning that:(16)(a) exists concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior; and(16)(b) is manifested during the developmental period as defined in the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Lien: A claim against real or personal property in satisfaction of a debt.
- Mortgage: The written agreement pledging property to a creditor as collateral for a loan.
- Original contractor: means a person, including an owner-builder, that contracts with an owner to provide preconstruction service or construction work. See Utah Code 38-1a-102
- Owner: means a person who possesses an interest in a project property and contracts with an original contractor for preconstruction service or construction work. See Utah Code 38-1a-102
- Person: means :(24)(a) an individual;(24)(b) an association;(24)(c) an institution;(24)(d) a corporation;(24)(e) a company;(24)(f) a trust;(24)(g) a limited liability company;(24)(h) a partnership;(24)(i) a political subdivision;(24)(j) a government office, department, division, bureau, or other body of government; and(24)(k) any other organization or entity. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Preconstruction lien: means a lien under this chapter for a preconstruction service. See Utah Code 38-1a-102
- Property: includes both real and personal property. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Prosecute: To charge someone with a crime. A prosecutor tries a criminal case on behalf of the government.
- State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes a state, district, or territory of the United States. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Subcontractor: means a person that contracts to provide preconstruction service or construction work to:(34)(a) a person other than the owner; or(34)(b) the owner, if the owner is an owner-builder. See Utah Code 38-1a-102
- Subpoena: A command to a witness to appear and give testimony.
- Testify: Answer questions in court.
- Testify: means to make an oral statement under oath or affirmation. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Testimony: Evidence presented orally by witnesses during trials or before grand juries.
- Trial: A hearing that takes place when the defendant pleads "not guilty" and witnesses are required to come to court to give evidence.
- Verdict: The decision of a petit jury or a judge.