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Terms Used In Vermont Statutes Title 22 Sec. 143

  • Annual meeting: when applied to towns shall mean the annual town meeting in March or an adjournment thereof. See
  • Bequest: Property gifted by will.
  • Devise: To gift property by will.
  • Gift: A voluntary transfer or conveyance of property without consideration, or for less than full and adequate consideration based on fair market value.
  • Municipality: means a town, city, or incorporated village only and shall not include school districts, incorporated school or fire districts, or any other governmental incorporated units. See
  • Public library: means any library established and maintained by a municipality or by a private association, corporation, or group to provide basic library services free of charge to all residents of a municipality or a community and which receives its annual financial support in whole or in part from public funds. See

§ 143. Trustees

(a) Unless a municipality which has established or shall establish a public library votes at its annual meeting to elect a board of trustees, the governing body of the municipality shall appoint the trustees. The appointment or election of the trustees shall continue in effect until changed at an annual meeting of the municipality. The board shall consist of not less than five trustees who shall have full power to manage the public library, make bylaws, elect officers, establish a library policy and receive, control and manage property which shall come into the hands of the municipality by gift, purchase, devise or bequest for the use and benefit of the library. The board may appoint a director for the efficient administration and conduct of the library.

(b) When trustees are first chosen, they shall be elected or appointed for staggered terms. (Amended 1989, No. 28, § 12.)