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Terms Used In Vermont Statutes Title 9 Sec. 2697

  • sale: means barter and exchange. See
  • Secretary: means the Secretary of the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets or his or her designee. See
  • Vehicle: means any device in, upon, or by which any property, produce, commodity, or article is or may be transported or drawn. See
  • weight: as used in this chapter in connection with any commodity shall mean net weight. See
  • Weights and measures: means all weights and measures of every kind, instruments and devices for weighing and measuring, and any appliances and accessories associated with any or all such instruments and devices including electric vehicle supply equipment available to the public, as defined in subdivision 2730(a)(14) of this title, but not including meters for the measurement of electricity, gas (natural or manufactured), or water when they are operated in a public utility system. See

§ 2697. Liquid fuels

(a) Liquid fuels including motor fuels, furnace oils, stove oils, liquefied petroleum gas, and other liquid fuels used for similar purposes shall be sold by liquid measure or by net weight in accordance with the provisions of section 2671 of this title. In the case of each delivery of liquid fuel not in package form, and in an amount greater than 10 gallons in the case of sale by liquid measure or 99 pounds in the case of sale by weight, there shall be rendered to the purchaser, either:

(1) at the time of delivery; or

(2) within a period mutually agreed upon in writing or otherwise between the vendor and the purchaser, a delivery ticket or a written statement on which, in ink, or other indelible substance, there shall be clearly and legibly stated:

(A) the name and address of the vendor;

(B) the name and address of the purchaser;

(C) the identity of the type of fuel comprising the delivery;

(D) the unit price, that is, the price per gallon or per pound, as the case may be, of the fuel delivered;

(E) in the case of sale by liquid measure, the liquid volume of the delivery shall be determined by a meter with a register printing the meter readings on a ticket, a copy of which shall be given to the purchaser, from which such liquid volume shall be computed, expressed in terms of the gallon and its binary or decimal subdivisions (the ticket shall not be inserted into the register until immediately before delivery is begun, and in no case shall a ticket be in the register when the vehicle is in motion); or the liquid volume may be determined by a vehicle tank used as a measure when in full compliance with Handbook H-44 and calibrated by a weights and measures official. Sale by a liquid measuring device as defined in Handbook H-44, and sale by a vapor meter are excluded from this section. The volume of liquid fuels delivered on consignment shall be computed and charged for only from the totalizers on the devices dispensing the product;

(F) in the case of sale by weight, the net weight of the delivery, together with any weighing scale readings from which that net weight has been computed, expressed in terms of tons or pounds avoirdupois.

(b) The use of temperature compensation during delivery of all liquid fuels, with the exception of the delivery of liquefied petroleum gas, is prohibited. The Secretary shall enforce this prohibition in the same manner as other violations of this chapter. (Added 1967, No. 102, § 31, eff. April 14, 1967; amended 1971, No. 69, § 10, eff. April 15, 1971; 2013, No. 83, § 6, eff. June 10, 2013.)