The Director may, whenever he shall believe from evidence submitted to him that any person has been or is violating any provision of this chapter, in addition to any other remedy, bring action in the name of the Commonwealth against such person and any other persons concerned or in any other way participating in, or about to participate in, practices or acts so in violation, to enjoin such person and such other persons from continuing the same.

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Terms Used In Virginia Code 29.1-804

  • Evidence: Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.
  • Person: includes any individual, corporation, partnership, association, cooperative, limited liability company, trust, joint venture, government, political subdivision, or any other legal or commercial entity and any successor, representative, agent, agency, or instrumentality thereof. See Virginia Code 1-230

1988, c. 592.