A. In addition to licensing requirements:

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Terms Used In Virginia Code 3.2-3607

  • Amendment: A proposal to alter the text of a pending bill or other measure by striking out some of it, by inserting new language, or both. Before an amendment becomes part of the measure, thelegislature must agree to it.
  • Brand: means a term, design, trademark or product name under which a regulated product is distributed. See Virginia Code 3.2-3600
  • Commissioner: means the Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services. See Virginia Code 3.2-100
  • Compost: means a biologically stable material derived from the composting process. See Virginia Code 3.2-3600
  • Distributor: means any person who distributes. See Virginia Code 3.2-3600
  • Fertilizer: means any substance containing one or more recognized plant nutrients, which is used for its plant nutrient content, and which is designed for use, or claimed to have value, in promoting plant growth. See Virginia Code 3.2-3600
  • Grace period: The number of days you'll have to pay your bill for purchases in full without triggering a finance charge. Source: Federal Reserve
  • Grade: means the percentage of total nitrogen (N), available phosphate (P205) and soluble potash (K20), stated in whole numbers in the same terms, order, and percentages as in the guaranteed analysis, except that fertilizer materials, specialty fertilizers, bone meal, manures and similar raw materials may be guaranteed in fractional units. See Virginia Code 3.2-3600
  • Guaranteed analysis: means the minimum percentage of plant nutrients claimed as required by this chapter to be displayed on the label of a regulated product. See Virginia Code 3.2-3600
  • Guarantor: A party who agrees to be responsible for the payment of another party's debts should that party default. Source: OCC
  • Guarantor: means the person whose name appears on the label of a regulated product. See Virginia Code 3.2-3600
  • Horticultural growing medium: means any substance or mixture of substances that is promoted as or is intended to function as an artificial soil for the managed growth of horticultural crops. See Virginia Code 3.2-3600
  • Labeling: means all written, printed, or graphic matter, upon or accompanying any regulated product, including invoices, advertisements, brochures, posters, television and radio announcements, and internet content used in promoting the sale of the regulated product. See Virginia Code 3.2-3600
  • Lawn fertilizer: means any fertilizer intended for nonagricultural use on newly established turf areas from sod or seed during the first growing season, turf areas being repaired or renovated, and turf areas where soil tests performed within the past three years indicate a nutrient deficiency. See Virginia Code 3.2-3600
  • Lawn maintenance fertilizer: means any fertilizer intended for the nonagricultural routine maintenance of turf. See Virginia Code 3.2-3600
  • Manipulated manure: means animal or vegetable manure that is ground, pelletized, mechanically dried, packaged, supplemented with plant nutrients or other substances other than phosphorus, or otherwise treated in a manner to assist with the sale or distribution of the manure as a fertilizer or soil or plant additive. See Virginia Code 3.2-3600
  • Person: includes any individual, corporation, partnership, association, cooperative, limited liability company, trust, joint venture, government, political subdivision, or any other legal or commercial entity and any successor, representative, agent, agency, or instrumentality thereof. See Virginia Code 1-230
  • Quantity statement: means the net weight (mass), net volume (liquid or dry), count or other form of measurement of a commodity. See Virginia Code 3.2-3600
  • Registrant: means the person who registers regulated products, under the provisions of this chapter. See Virginia Code 3.2-3600
  • Regulated product: means any product governed by this chapter, including any fertilizer, specialty fertilizer, soil amendment, digestate, and horticultural growing medium. See Virginia Code 3.2-3600
  • Soil amendment: means any substance or mixture of substances intended to improve the physical, chemical, biochemical, biological, or other characteristics of the soil. See Virginia Code 3.2-3600
  • Specialty fertilizer: means a fertilizer distributed for nonfarm use, including use on home gardens, lawns, shrubbery, flowers, golf courses, municipal parks, cemeteries, greenhouses and nurseries. See Virginia Code 3.2-3600

1. Any person who is the guarantor of and who distributes in the Commonwealth any specialty fertilizer shall: (i) apply for registration for such specialty fertilizer with the Commissioner on forms furnished by the Commissioner; (ii) pay to the Commissioner by July 1 of each registration year a registration fee of $50 for each grade under a given brand prior to distributing the fertilizer in the Commonwealth; and (iii) provide labels for each grade under a given brand with the application.

2. Any person who is the guarantor and who distributes in the Commonwealth a soil amendment or horticultural growing medium shall: (i) apply for registration for such soil amendment or horticultural growing medium with the Commissioner on forms furnished by the Commissioner; (ii) pay to the Commissioner by July 1 of each registration year a registration fee of $100 for each product name or brand of soil amendment or horticultural growing medium prior to distributing the product in the Commonwealth; and (iii) provide labels for each product name or brand with the application.

B. The Commissioner shall furnish a certificate of registration to the applicant after approval of the registration.

C. Any person applying for registration of a specialty fertilizer, soil amendment or horticultural growing medium shall include with the application the following information:

1. For specialty fertilizer, the grade under a given brand; for soil amendments or horticultural growing media, the product name or brand;

2. The guaranteed analysis;

3. The name and address of the registrant; and

4. The quantity statement.

D. The Commissioner may require verification of any labeling claims for and any composition of any regulated product.

E. Custom-media and horticultural growing media planted with live plant material are exempt from labeling and registration requirements and inspection fees.

F. Beginning December 31, 2013, no lawn maintenance fertilizer containing more than zero percent phosphorus or other compounds containing phosphorus, such as phosphate, shall be registered with the Commissioner or offered for sale, distribution, or use in the Commonwealth. This prohibition does not include lawn fertilizer, manipulated manure, yard waste compost, products derived from sewage sludge, soils containing fertilizer, fertilizer products intended primarily for gardening, tree, shrub, and indoor plant application, including nurseries, or reclaimed water. The provisions of this section shall not restrict the continued sale by retailers of any prohibited fertilizer from any existing inventories in stock on December 31, 2013.

G. Beginning July 1, 2014, only lawn maintenance fertilizer that, when applied in accordance with its directions for use, results in the application of nitrogen at rates that are consistent with the nitrogen application rates recommended for turfgrass in the Virginia Nutrient Management Standards and Criteria shall be registered with the Commissioner or offered for sale, distribution, or use in the Commonwealth. The provisions of this subsection shall not restrict the continued sale by retailers of any prohibited fertilizer from existing inventories in stock on July 1, 2014.

H. The Commissioner shall give the guarantor or distributor of any unregistered regulated product in commerce in the Commonwealth a grace period of 15 working days from issuance of notification within which to register the regulated product. Any person required to register any regulated product who fails to register the regulated product within the grace period or fails to comply with registration renewal requirements shall pay to the Commissioner a $50 late fee in addition to the registration fee. The Commissioner may issue a stop sale, use, removal or seizure order upon any regulated product until the registration is issued.

1994, c. 740, § 3.1-106.6; 1995, c. 104; 2002, c. 473; 2008, c. 860; 2011, cc. 341, 353, 552, 564; 2012, c. 796.