No commodity in package form shall be so wrapped, nor shall it be in a container so made, formed, or filled, as to mislead the purchaser as to the quantity of the contents of the package, and the contents of a container shall not fall below such reasonable standard of fill as may have been prescribed for the commodity in question by the Board.

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Terms Used In Virginia Code 3.2-5625

  • Board: means the Board of Agriculture and Consumer Services. See Virginia Code 3.2-100
  • Commodity in package form: means any commodity packaged in any manner in advance of sale in units suitable for either wholesale or retail sale, exclusive of an auxiliary shipping container enclosing packages that individually conform to the requirements of this chapter. See Virginia Code 3.2-5600

Code 1950, § 3-708.28; 1962, c. 298; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-946; 2008, c. 860.