A. For the purposes of this section, “delivery” means handing fulfillment materials to the primary policyholder or primary certificate holder or sending fulfillment materials by United States Postal Service mail or by any other delivery service or electronic means to the policyholder or certificate holder.

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Terms Used In Virginia Code 38.2-1888.3

  • Aggregator site: means a website that provides access to information, including product and insurer information, regarding insurance products from more than one insurer for use in comparison shopping. See Virginia Code 38.2-1887
  • Blanket travel insurance: means a policy of travel insurance issued to any eligible group providing coverage for specific classes of persons defined in the policy with coverage provided to all members of the eligible group without a separate charge to individual members of the eligible group. See Virginia Code 38.2-1887
  • Company: means any association, aggregate of individuals, business, corporation, individual, joint-stock company, Lloyds type of organization, organization, partnership, receiver, reciprocal or interinsurance exchange, trustee or society. See Virginia Code 38.2-100
  • Fulfillment materials: means documentation sent to the purchaser of a travel protection plan confirming the purchase and providing the travel protection plan's coverage and assistance details. See Virginia Code 38.2-1887
  • insurance policies: shall include contracts of fidelity, indemnity, guaranty and suretyship. See Virginia Code 38.2-100
  • Insurer: means an insurance company. See Virginia Code 38.2-100
  • Jurisdiction: (1) The legal authority of a court to hear and decide a case. Concurrent jurisdiction exists when two courts have simultaneous responsibility for the same case. (2) The geographic area over which the court has authority to decide cases.
  • Limited lines travel insurance agent: means a licensed property and casualty insurance agent, a personal lines insurance agent, or a limited lines property and casualty agent. See Virginia Code 38.2-1887
  • Person: means any association, aggregate of individuals, business, company, corporation, individual, joint-stock company, Lloyds type of organization, organization, partnership, receiver, reciprocal or interinsurance exchange, trustee or society. See Virginia Code 38.2-100
  • Primary certificate holder: means a person who elects and purchases travel insurance under a group policy. See Virginia Code 38.2-1887
  • Primary policyholder: means a person who elects and purchases individual travel insurance. See Virginia Code 38.2-1887
  • Travel insurance: means insurance coverage for personal risks incident to planned travel, including (i) interruption or cancellation of trip or event; (ii) loss of baggage or personal effects; (iii) damages to accommodations or rental vehicles; (iv) emergency evacuation; (v) repatriation of remains; or (vi) any other contractual obligations to indemnify or pay a specified amount to the traveler upon determinable contingencies related to travel as approved by the Commission. See Virginia Code 38.2-1887
  • Travel protection plan: means any plan that provides travel insurance, travel assistance services, or cancellation fee waivers. See Virginia Code 38.2-1887
  • Travel retailer: means a business entity that offers and disseminates travel insurance on behalf of and under the direction and license of a travel insurance agent. See Virginia Code 38.2-1887
  • United States: includes the 50 states, the District of Columbia the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and the United States Virgin Islands. See Virginia Code 1-255

B. Any person offering travel insurance to residents of the Commonwealth is subject to the unfair trade practice penalties contained in Chapter 5 (§ 38.2-500 et seq.), except as otherwise provided in this section. In the event of a conflict between this article and other provisions of this title regarding the sale and marketing of travel insurance and travel protection plans, the provisions of this article shall control.

C. Offering or selling a travel insurance policy that could never result in payment of any claims for any insured under the policy is an unfair trade practice.

D. All documents provided to consumers prior to the purchase of travel insurance, including sales materials, advertising materials, and marketing materials, shall be consistent with the travel insurance policy itself, including forms, endorsements, policies, rate filings, and certificates of insurance.

For travel insurance policies or certificates that contain pre-existing condition exclusions, information and an opportunity to learn more about the pre-existing condition exclusions shall be provided any time prior to the time of purchase and in the coverage’s fulfillment materials.

The fulfillment materials and the information described in subdivision 2 of § 38.2-1888.2 shall be provided to a primary policyholder or primary certificate holder as soon as practicable following the purchase of a travel protection plan. Unless the insured has either started a covered trip or filed a claim under the travel insurance coverage, a policyholder or certificate holder may cancel a policy or certificate for a full refund of the travel protection plan price from the date of purchase of a travel protection plan until (i) at least 15 days following the date of delivery of the travel protection plan’s fulfillment materials sent by United States Postal Service mail or (ii) at least 10 days following the date of delivery of the travel protection plan’s fulfillment materials sent by means other than United States Postal Service mail.

E. The company shall disclose in the policy documentation and fulfillment materials whether the travel insurance is primary or secondary to other applicable coverage.

F. Where travel insurance is marketed directly to a consumer through an insurer‘s website or by others through an aggregator site, it shall not be an unfair trade practice or other violation of law where an accurate summary or short description of coverage is provided on the web page, so long as the consumer has access to the full provisions of the policy through electronic means.

G. No person offering, soliciting, or negotiating travel insurance or travel protection plans on an individual or group basis may do so by using negative option or opt out that would require a consumer to take an affirmative action to deselect coverage, such as unchecking a box on an electronic form when the consumer purchases a trip.

H. It shall be an unfair trade practice to market blanket travel insurance coverage as free.

I. Where a consumer’s destination jurisdiction requires insurance coverage, it shall not be an unfair trade practice to require that a consumer choose between the following options as a condition of purchasing a trip or travel package:

1. Purchasing the coverage required by the destination jurisdiction through the travel retailer or limited lines travel insurance agent supplying the trip or travel package; or

2. Agreeing to obtain and provide proof of coverage that meets the destination jurisdiction’s requirements prior to departure.

2019, cc. 266, 346.