(1) Every warehouse receipt issued for commodities covered by this chapter shall embody within its written or printed terms:

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(a) The grade of the commodities as described by the official standards of this state, unless the identity of the commodity is in fact preserved in a special pile or special bin, and an identifying mark of such pile or bin shall appear on the face of the receipt and on the pile or bin. A commodity in a special pile or bin shall not be removed or relocated without canceling the outstanding receipt and issuing a new receipt showing the change;
(b) Such other terms and conditions as required by Article 7 of Title 62A RCW: PROVIDED, That nothing contained therein requires a receipt issued for wheat to specifically state the variety of wheat by name;
(c) A clause reserving for the warehouse operator the optional right to terminate storage upon thirty days’ written notice to the depositor and collect outstanding charges against any lot of commodities after June 30th following the date of the receipt.
(2) Warehouse receipts issued under the United States warehouse act (7 USCA § 241 et seq.) are deemed to fulfill the requirements of this chapter so far as it pertains to the issuance of warehouse receipts.


Severability1989 c 354: See note following RCW 15.36.012.
Severability1983 c 305: See note following RCW 20.01.010.