Retirement of a member for service shall be made by the board as follows:

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Terms Used In Washington Code 41.44.140

  • Board: means the "board of trustees" provided for herein. See Washington Code 41.44.030
  • Creditable service: means such service as is evidenced by the record of normal contributions, plus prior service as evidenced by prior service certificate. See Washington Code 41.44.030
  • Effective date: when used with regard to employees means the date on which any individual or group of employees became members of any retirement system and when used with regard to any city or town shall mean the date on which it became a participant. See Washington Code 41.44.030
  • Employee: means any appointive officer or employee and shall include elective officials to the extent specified herein. See Washington Code 41.44.030
  • Member: means any person included in the membership of the retirement system as provided herein. See Washington Code 41.44.030
  • Miscellaneous personnel: means officers and employees other than those in the uniformed police or fire service: PROVIDED, Those members of the fire department who are ineligible to the benefits of a firefighters' pension system established by or pursuant to any other state law, are also included in the miscellaneous personnel. See Washington Code 41.44.030
  • Service: means service rendered to a city for compensation; and for the purpose of this chapter a member shall be considered as being in service only while he or she is receiving compensation from the city for such service or is on leave granted for service in the armed forces of the United States as contemplated in RCW 41. See Washington Code 41.44.030
  • Uniformed personnel: means any employee who is a police officer in service or who is subject to call to active service or duty as such. See Washington Code 41.44.030
(1) Each member included in the miscellaneous personnel in service on the effective date, who, on or before such effective date, has attained the age of sixty-five years or over shall be compulsorily retired forthwith: PROVIDED, That there shall be no compulsory retirements for a period of two years immediately following the effective date, but any member having attained the age of sixty-five may voluntarily retire at any time after attaining such age. Members included in the miscellaneous personnel attaining age sixty-five after effective date shall be retired on the first day of the calendar month next succeeding the month in which the member shall have attained sixty-five, but none of such members shall be subject to compulsory retirement until two years after the effective date. The legislative authority of the city shall have the privilege at all times of extending time for retirement of any such member to his or her attainment of any age not exceeding age seventy: PROVIDED, That any such extension shall not increase the retirement age of such member in excess of one year at a time.
(2) Any member included in the miscellaneous personnel may retire by filing with the board a written application duly attested, setting forth on what date he or she desires to be retired, such application to be made at least thirty days prior to date of retirement: PROVIDED, That said member, at the time specified for his or her retirement, shall have attained the age of sixty years, or shall have thirty years of creditable service regardless of attained age: PROVIDED FURTHER, That during the two years immediately following the effective date voluntary service retirement of such members under sixty-two years of age shall not be granted.
(3) Each member included in the uniformed personnel in service on the effective date who on or before such effective date has attained the minimum age for social security benefits shall be compulsorily retired forthwith: PROVIDED, That there shall be no compulsory service retirements for a period of two years immediately following the effective date, but any such member having attained the minimum age for social security benefits may voluntarily retire at any time after attaining such age. Members included in the uniformed personnel attaining the minimum age for social security benefits after the effective date shall be retired on the first day of the calendar month next succeeding the month in which the members shall have attained the minimum age for social security benefits, but none of such members shall be subject to compulsory retirement until two years after the effective date. The legislative authority shall have the privilege at all times of extending time for retirement of any such member: PROVIDED, That any such extension shall not increase the retirement age of such member in excess of one year at a time.
(4) Any member included in the uniformed personnel may retire by filing with the board a written application duly attested, setting forth on what date he or she desires to be retired, such application to be made at least thirty days prior to date of retirement: PROVIDED, That said members, at the time specified for retirement, shall have twenty-five years of creditable service regardless of age, or shall have attained the age of fifty-five years regardless of years of creditable service: PROVIDED FURTHER, That during the two years immediately following the effective date voluntary service retirement of such members under the minimum age for social security benefits shall not be granted.
(5) After the retirement of any employee, any member city, by unanimous vote of its legislative body and with the consent of the board, may reemploy or retain such employee in its service to fill a supervisory or key position.


PurposeSeverability1967 ex.s. c 28: See notes following RCW 41.44.030.