Upon the death of any member who dies from injuries or disease arising out of or incurred in the performance of his or her duty or duties, of which the board of trustees shall be the judge, if death occurs within one year from date of discontinuance of city service caused by such injury, there shall be paid to his or her estate or to such person or persons having an insurable interest in his or her life, as he or she shall have nominated by written designation duly executed and filed with the board, the sum of one thousand dollars, purchased by the contributions of the cities participating in the retirement system; and in addition thereto there shall be paid to the surviving spouse during such spouse’s lifetime, or if there be no surviving spouse, then to his or her minor child or children until they shall have reached the age of eighteen years, a monthly pension equal to one-half the monthly final compensation of such deceased member. If any such spouse, or child or children shall marry, then such person so marrying shall thereafter receive no further pension herein provided. Cost of the lump sum benefit above provided shall be determined by actuarial calculation and prorated equitably to each city. The benefits provided in this section shall be exclusive of any other benefits due the member under this chapter.


Severability1973 1st ex.s. c 154: See note following RCW 2.12.030.

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Terms Used In Washington Code 41.44.210

  • Board: means the "board of trustees" provided for herein. See Washington Code 41.44.030
  • cities: includes town or towns. See Washington Code 41.44.030
  • Compensation: means the compensation payable in cash, plus the monetary value, as determined by the board of trustees, of any allowance in lieu thereof (but for the purposes of this chapter such "compensation" shall not exceed three hundred dollars per month, except as to those employees of any member city the legislative body of which shall not later than July 1, 1953, have irrevocably elected by resolution or ordinance to increase the limitation herein contained, effective as to all of its employees, from three hundred dollars to four hundred dollars, commencing on said date, or which shall so elect prior to January 1st of any succeeding year, effective as of January 1st of any such succeeding year, and as to such employees shall, commencing on the specified date, not exceed four hundred dollars or an amount equal to such increased limitation established by such ordinance or resolution per month): PROVIDED HOWEVER, That the foregoing limitation shall not apply to uniformed personnel. See Washington Code 41.44.030
  • Member: means any person included in the membership of the retirement system as provided herein. See Washington Code 41.44.030
  • Pension: means payments derived from contributions made by the city as provided herein. See Washington Code 41.44.030
  • person: may be construed to include the United States, this state, or any state or territory, or any public or private corporation or limited liability company, as well as an individual. See Washington Code 1.16.080
  • Persons having an insurable interest in his or her life: means and includes only such persons who, because of relationship from ties of blood or marriage, have reason to expect some benefit from the continuation of the life of the member. See Washington Code 41.44.030
  • Retirement system: means the statewide city employees retirement system provided for herein. See Washington Code 41.44.030
  • Service: means service rendered to a city for compensation; and for the purpose of this chapter a member shall be considered as being in service only while he or she is receiving compensation from the city for such service or is on leave granted for service in the armed forces of the United States as contemplated in RCW 41. See Washington Code 41.44.030