(1) When application to register a vehicle in an existing fleet is made, the Washington apportioned fees must be reduced by one-twelfth for each full month that has elapsed from the time an application for registration is received in the department. The prorate percentage previously established for the fleet must be used in the computation of the apportionable fees and taxes due.

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Terms Used In Washington Code 46.87.030

  • Credentials: means cab cards, apportioned plates, temporary operating authority, and validation tabs issued for proportionally registered vehicles. See Washington Code 46.87.020
  • Department: means the department of licensing. See Washington Code 46.87.020
  • Fleet: means one or more apportionable vehicles. See Washington Code 46.87.020
  • Owner: means a person or business who holds the legal title to a vehicle, or if a vehicle is the subject of an agreement for its conditional sale with the right of purchase upon performance of the conditions stated in the agreement and with an immediate right of possession vested in the conditional vendee, or if a vehicle is subject to a lease, contract, or other legal arrangement vesting right of possession or control, for security or otherwise, or if a mortgagor of a vehicle is entitled to possession, then the owner is deemed to be the person or business in whom is vested right of possession or control. See Washington Code 46.87.020
  • Registrant: means a person, business, or corporation in whose name or names a vehicle or fleet of vehicles is registered. See Washington Code 46.87.020
  • Registration year: means the twelve-month period during which the credentials issued by the base jurisdiction are valid. See Washington Code 46.87.020
(2) If a vehicle is withdrawn from a fleet during the period it is registered under this chapter, the registrant of the fleet must notify the department on forms prescribed by the department. The department may require the registrant to surrender credentials issued to the vehicle. If a vehicle is completely removed from the service of the fleet, the unused portion of the license fee paid under RCW 46.17.355, reduced by one-twelfth for each month and fraction thereof elapsing between the first day of the month of the current registration year and the date the notice of removal is received in the department, must be credited to the registrant’s fleet proportional registration account. Credit must be applied against the license fee liability for subsequent additions of vehicles to the fleet during the registration year or for additional license fees due under RCW 46.17.355 or be due upon audit under RCW 46.87.310. If any credit is less than fifteen dollars, the credit must not be entered. In lieu of credit, the registrant may transfer the unused portion of the license fee for the vehicle to the new owner, in which case it must remain with the vehicle for which it was originally paid. An amount may not be credited against fees other than those for the registration year from which the credit was obtained and an amount may not be refunded.


Effective date2015 c 228: See note following RCW 46.87.010.
Effective dateIntentLegislation to reconcile chapter 161, Laws of 2010 and other amendments made during the 2010 legislative session2010 c 161: See notes following RCW 46.04.013.
Effective dates1987 c 244: See note following RCW 46.87.010.